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Vu Du kein [WIP]


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Vu Du Kein is a fantasy ORPG based on the mechanics of astrological science. When creating a character you choose a display name and a class.
Note: "your CLASS will decide your element, (AKA: TEAM/FACTION.) and attributes."
You are given 12 character slots. You may start out by choosing 1 of 12 classes. As the game progresses you will be able to prestige your account, this allows you to unlock an additional character slot. A new character and class can now be obtained and fight along side you, following you around while assisting you through out the game, in and out of battle.
You will be able to unlock all 12 classes and play as multiple classes simultaneously while switching from character to character to take control and battle with that class,
(But watch out switching a class can cost a hefty amount of mana.)
However, you will only be able to venture out with a max of 4 characters at a time.
Your stats are set based upon your attribute and can only increase when your characters level increases. You can not increase the stats manually, however, they can be modified by collecting and applying gear to your character.


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@Mikal Burrows Doing debugging rn so can't say much but maybe call god something else so it doesn't seem so biblical like gaia or something and add a screenshot of ingame absolutely anything is fine I'm talking basic enemy 1 spell and just a base as it will allow us to talk about the art style and changes/tweaks you could make

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@PhenomenalDev Thank you for the feed back! I agree with you on the changing gods name, I'm terrible at thinking of names though. Our pixel artist is currently working on some custom tile sets. As of right now Vu Du Kein has the original tile sets that were released with Intersect Alpha 1.9. When I receive the new art from our pixel artist I will be sure to make at least one small map to show off the custom art work. In game screenshots will be posted soon.

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So I like the idea of the game with being able to gain all of the classes and using up to four of them at one time. The thing I'm not a fan of is the fact that the lore if an almost exact copy from the book of Genesis. Just seems a little strange to me. 


On on a side note the stock graphics are not RPG maker xp. They are Macks sprites and tiles which were meant to be used for RPG maker vx but I'm not entirely sure if they are or are not free to use for other engines. 

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@PhenomenalDev Good looks on informing me about the original tilesets,  however I wasn't planning on using them.


@Zetasis Thank you for the feedback, It's much appreciated. I was hesitant to release this thread while using Genesis as the lore. The lore is an exact copy of the first chapter of Genesis. I figured by using Genesis as a starting point, it would make an amazing cut scene intro into the game before you wake from your slumber and are tossed into the absolute most twisted adventure of your life time.

I don't plan on making any other biblical references other than the intro. I felt as if the the beginning of time was the best place to start, It gave me a blank slate for a story that sends you through an emotional roller coaster with twist and turns that'll have you weeping and laughing at the same time.

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@Zetasis Thanks for the correction I think they are one of the ones that ships with xp not vx and MACK is a broad term now used for a general sprite of that design and in general most thing in here come from rpg maker xp or vx ace so can't be used commercially e.g chests,boulders,torches,switches,traps ect. but doesn't really matter to be honest as he's making his own stuff (well his artist is)

@Mikal Burrows The idea of using a bible passage as a intro if I saw it in a game (I have) I generally see it as low effort and is kind of a turn off imo but that's just me idk it's all up to you

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