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WIP World of Adea


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World of Adea


Using Intersect Engine


Before you read on, many things are subject to change as i see fit, and much will be.

I am currently the only one working on this project.

I appreciate all comments, both negative and positive ones.


If anyone has any input whatsoever, don't hesitate.


Thank you!



Update 31/10 -17

Restructured whole first page with new information


Update 12/1 -17

Updated What's Next with new info (because of Beta 1 being released)

Update 6/1 -17

Updated Screenshots section

Update 4/7 -18

Doing a public playtest





What the game is about

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Current Progress & What's next?

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I saw SCTrav working on this game, and he has a lot of great features.  I like his idea of having Light and Dark subclasses.  I like how he wants his game to be more of an open world where you can explore and discover countless gems, instead of a boring world where everyone just follows the same walkthrough guide.  I also like how his continents are set up.  For example, if you are a Wanderer, you start off in a dark forest and eventually need to find your way to some area near the castle and do a quest which will unlock the desert region.  SCTrav has a lot of experience with game engines and mapping, and I can't wait to see how his game develops.

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  On 8/28/2016 at 10:05 AM, Craig1020 said:

This is really cool! Made me cry as to my own mapmaking abilities, damn that city is sweet :D



  On 8/28/2016 at 12:47 PM, PhenomenalDev said:

@Craig1020 You should've seen his streams (:


I will try to stream a bit more, i dev a lot more sporadically now due to my studies and other obligations. Also thank you for the compliments :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

A bit delayed, but still, a few new screenshot updates before Beta 1!


Defender's Point:

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Rockhill Mines Teaser:

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Extremely unfinished, but still wanted to share, guarantee this will be an amazing town once the atmospheric parts are added, lights, hue, more cosmetic detail etc.


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Also update first post with these.


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@Kibbelz I definitely understand it may seem like it, however this tree grows in the northwestern region of this continent, two forest zones bordering to the capital, and then the defender's point town which protects from the bridge shown in the defender's point screenshots. But i will definitely try to get some other content up here! Thanks :) 


Also it hit me, did you mean the Defender's Point maps don't have enough detail? Open the image in a new tab and zoom in, i can't add more detail without cluttering the maps.

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  On 1/7/2017 at 11:39 AM, Kibbelz said:

Yes i've seen the zoomed in map however maybe add a stream, some rocks.


Ahhh I see what you mean now. I haven't gotten around to that. I included the left side there to show the gate and mountain side. I've only done the trees, grass, and smaller flowers, if you look at some  of the other screenshots from the same zone they'll properly depict what the finished product will look like.

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  On 11/28/2016 at 2:27 PM, Miharukun said:

Awesome maps! :D You just gave me new inspiration for making maps, thanks a lot Trav!

Oh ya, how many maps connected in that Nusst Area? :o


Thank you!


The zone above Nusst is 65, Nusst is 75(including surrounding maps east and west of the actual city, that are outside the city walls), and the zone below Nusst is 60, and houses two dungeon, whereas one is smaller and gives more backstory to the bigger one.

  On 1/7/2017 at 11:01 PM, raeven said:

Love the mapping on this project!


Thank you!

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Intersect Beta 1 is out! That means we're moving closer to player testing! Currently working on: Quests, Questchains, Paperdolls, Items, NPCs(custom with GCH!), and various other elements like resources, spells, etc! Once i've caught up somewhat with all the developing compared to all the mapping that's done, i will go over all the content, fix up the last of the maps required(some dungeon parts, puzzles, event driven stuff, and various other things), including making sure the cosmetic details are top notch! And then player testing will be right around the corner. This will all take a while but i'm sure it will be well worth it!

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  • 3 months later...
  On 4/19/2017 at 10:21 AM, Sekiguchi Okitsugu said:

Really loving the maps, and the bounty!:)


Thank you! If i can get a bounty system that works like i have planned it should both be a major part/feature of the game, and promote both guilds, solo play, and PvP, this combined with the way i plan to incorporate zones with different rulesets would not force players to pvp, but at the same time encouraging pvp. It is one of the features i am most excited about.

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