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Sidebar Block Updates!


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Hi all,


In the past 24-48 hours I've switched out our Donation system so automate the Hall of Fame list and logging for me. @MCADAMS has set up a Discord Server for the community to use, and we started monitoring showing active Twitch streams from our members.  Thew new sidebar blocks are as follows


Donation Block:

Pretty much the same, now shows your icons when you donate instead of your names. It also shows our donation goal and progress.



Recent Posts:

Recent posts are slimmed down, topic text is no longer displayed to make room for the new stuff.




Check how many members are in our Discord server and quickly join up if you want!




Twitch Streamers:

We have to manually add you to our streaming list. If you are ever going to stream anything game-dev related let me or @Kibbelz know. We will gladly feature you on the site!



Top Donors

We have this at the bottom because it's the least useful but we want to recognize those who help us out the most! If you don't want to be shown here just let us know -- if this turns into a competition we won't complain :)




Feel free to suggest other changes. Make sure to post your comments and hype below - we are always glad to improve the site however we can.


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3 minutes ago, Gibier said:

An other thing who should be nice to add is a new theme color to have more than: Default and Inerno blue IPB

That's something you won't see for a long time. I'm still fixing this one up to perfection :P

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Oh hell yeah, top donor!!! I think you should TURN it into a contest, honestly. Alot of people will strive for the "Top Donator" position, I think you should get the usergroup or something, "Top Donator", just an idea. I like everything you've added, all looks awesome. I love the new donation sidebar and you can see peoples profiles and their picture instead of just their name. Good stuff, I love whats going on day to day here, never cease to impress us(me).

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