Popular Post jcsnider Posted July 28, 2016 Popular Post Share Posted July 28, 2016 Development Road Map  Intersect is getting closer and closer to release by the day. This summer has allowed Joe and I to dedicate an unprecedented amount of time to this engine and as a result of that we are ready to provide this road map starting now during Alpha 1.5 all the way to Release.  Alpha Plans (Complete!) Alpha has gone really, really, well. You all have been absolutely amazing with all the bug reports and support. We love how you keep us on track and moving along. At the time of posting we are on Alpha Version 1.5. so here is what we have planned heading into beta. Alpha Releases Alpha v1.6: -- Released August 2nd, 2016 Completed Admin Panel Spawn Items Ban/Kick/Mute Players Warp to Players or Warp them to you Setting Admin Power And a few other little tricks NPC Spells NPCs can heal, dash, shoot projectiles, and more! Toggleable NPC Combat: Dodged a bullet from a npc? Did it hit another? Suddenly you have a teammate! The enemy of thy enemy, right? You can set enemies for each type of Npc. If they see an enemy they will fight! Map/Npc/Resource saving immediately taking effect for online players. Console Commands Lots of extra tools will be added to the server console for easier administration. Tons and tons of bug fixes!  Alpha v1.7: -- Released August 10th, 2016 Event Updates Ability to use the players name in dialoges. Allowing events to show who's online Allowing events to tell the time and react to in-game time. Dynamic Day/Night system with configurable time and tinting.  Alpha v1.8: -- Released August 15th, 2016 Unicode support! (The first step towards multiple languages) Tons of bug fixes/cleanup. Whatever else we might want to add before beta!  Alpha v1.9: -- Released August 20th, 2016 Tons of bug fixes/cleanup. We want beta to be really stable!   Beta Plans (In Progress) Once we reach beta we will increment the version number to 2.0. Starting at Beta 2.0 we are going to fix up the remaining systems for epic games. Beta Releases Beta 1: -- Released January 7th, 2017 Trading Trade items between 2 or more players Parties Group up and share exp/rewards while playing together. Chatbubbles Because they are cute! Quests!!! You will be able to assign, track, and complete quests. Events can change based off of what quests are available and which ones you have completed! This is going to be epic!!!!  Beta 2: -- Released January 14th, 2017 Beta 1 Hotfixes Trading/Parties Invite Spamming Fix More bug fixes Combat overhaul! Formulas XML  Beta 3 -- Released March 21st, 2017 Multi-Language Support All Editors Dark Bag System Ammo System Dynamic Requirements (for Items, Resource Interaction, Quests, and Spells)  Beta 4: -- Released August 19th, 2017 Any missing features Friends System Fixed Pathfinding Keybindings Status Indicator (what buffs/debuffs are affecting you) Credits Screen Multi-Character Support (# of allowed characters set in server config) XP Formatted Autotile Support Chat Channels Dynamic UI (change UI position, fonts, and more via XML files) (Main Menu | In Game) Automatic Port Forwarding (UPnP) Server IP Retrieval (from AGD Servers) Server Connectivity Checking (from AGD Servers) Replacing network with Lidgren. New packet handling system. Cleanup/Bug Fixes/Optimizations  Beta 5: Released December 1st, 2018 Jsonification! Separate player data into separate database from game data. Change EXP to use Longs instead of Int32. Use migration tool to multiply spell cast/cd values by 100 and stop multiplying and dividing them everywhere. (And fix anything else like this too) Dynamic npc & resource item drops. Resources from tilesets. Add option to hide progress saved message.  @PinkAngel Weather effects Change Selling/Trading Offers/Storing in Bags/Bank to Right click instead of double left click. (So we don't consume items trying to store them) Make equipment extra effects work. (Lifesteal/Cooldown Reduction/Etc) MySQL Support Catch the MonoGame graphics initialization failure exception and show our own error message with a helpful link. - JC wants to confirm. Add Cleanse and Invulnerable status Add NPC/Resource Regen options to NPC/Resource editors NPC Fleeing Mechanics Remove Friendly NPCs (Events are superior) Npc Aggression Logic (Dont keep switching targets to the person to hit last and allowing self to be kited to death) - Optional Add npc conditionals for whether or not a npc should defend a player when attacked Add npc conditionals for whether or not a npc should attack a player on sight Add npc conditionals for whether or not a player can attack a npc Add common event option on npc death (both for killer, and killer party) Fix targeting while target is moving. Add checkbox to lower animation layer to render above players AND/OR add checkbox to upper animation layer to render below fringe. Change server status detection code to return number of players who are logged in, and not include those sitting at the main menu. Common event procs when resources are destroyed. On checking stat conditions add option to check stats with and without considering equipment buffs. (Checks the stat value including equipment/spell buffs by default!) Add "Negate" option to all conditions. (Super easy) Add condition to check which map a player is on. Don't allow client or editor to connect unless version matches with the server.  - Not needed, client/editor won't connect if version doesn't match. Use base class stats in character stat calculations. (So updating classes or changing character classes will force stats to recalculate.) Allow equipment to give hp/mp buffs Check crit strikes/settings and remove/relocate where they don't make sense. Animations on equipment because that'd be cool for torches and stuff Individual weapon attack speeds if we don't already have that Add consumable cooldowns (since it will be super quick/easy and it's highly requested) Allow UI loading from resolution specific files. Make sure that in B5 UI Json the chatbox text font/font size can be changed. Add options which will force resources to ignore y-based rendering and always render below player. Make sure that all times are stored and labeled as ms Add prompts to server to migrate db to mysql and back. (Should be easy) Hotbar rework  - Needs testing. Test class stat recalculations. Remove player progress saved message and applicable options completely. Make sure Lang files are first to load. Replace any English loading errors with translated ones. Allow setting variables to UNIX Epoch Time (the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970). This will be useful for keeping track of membership, puzzle, event times, daily event completions, etc. Allow settings variables to the values of other player/global variables. Conditions to compare variable values. Fix the menu which doesn't fit on small resolutions. - Implemented logout and character select too ^^ Exit to Character Select/Main Menu Options Update MonoGame to the official 3.7 release Create better message for the openal error. Test Client and Server on Linux/OSX - JC might have broke client. Cleanup/Bug Fixes/Optimizations  Beta 6: Client Rendering Optimizations - Sharp decrease in VRam requirements, insane fps gains on most devices! Texture Packing System Client Side Editor Side Way to lock server to only admins. Fix Stealth - https://www.ascensiongamedev.com/bug_tracker/intersect/a-couple-suggestions-for-stealth-r1399/?tab=comments#comment-3234 Password recovery/reset system. (Give server SMTP info, server sends 6 digit code, client types in the code and can reset password) Cleanup server console code. New UI designed by Azi! Main Menu In-Game Compile a set of music and sound effects for the default Intersect Assets. (Probably use Eric Mytas for music) Fix Texture Packing Positioning (Basic rounding error, somewhere..) Packet generation/Network refactoring Testing/Proof of Concept Design/Planning/Start Implementation Client Packets Editor Packets Server Packets Debug/Work on Performance Clean-up Combine Switches and Variables into Variables that support multiple data types Editor Formwork Server Logic Migration Code Add custom Excel-like exp table/grid option for classes as an optional alternative or augment to the exponential exp formula.. - Vid Add watchdog to kill events that rack up massive call stacks/processing times. Unlink Common Event 'Play Sound' commands from map and play regardless of where player goes or what player does. - Needs testing Image based health, mana, and casting bars. Fix login logout fading. Fixed delayed server reaction to projectile hits. (Before | After) Try to add copying/pasting of event commands - Ref Add folders and a search bar to the various in game editors. (Folders will only be 1 level.) - (Folders | Searching and Legacy Sort) Write up Intersect Credits! Replace default Intersect graphics/audio with community commissioned set. Try to get editor working via OpenGL so the client and editor use the same shaders/technology. Skipping for now. MonoGame.Forms GL side of things is insanely out of date (July 2018) and warns of performance issues. Will revisit later. Test migrations with MySQL! Fix Nightmare stutters by deferring game db saves on global var changes. Add scary 'backup your db!' warning before migrations occur. API System Rework Authentication Getting and Setting Variables (Global & Local) Give/Take Character Spells Send Player/Global/Map Messages Give/Take Character Items (Optionally put in Bank) Change Password/Email Check Credentials Bug Fixes Percentage Based Spell/Item Stat & Vital Buffs (We should have had this to begin with!) Write Upgrade Docs Write API Docs Make engine api changes Command for adding/removing api permissions for accessing personal data/managing personal data Editor right-click to get ids of maps, items, variables, etc to be used with the api Endpoints to retrieve metadata of maps, items, variables, etc Internal Testing - One final round! Final bug fixes Release!   At this time, Beta 6 .2 is planned to be the open source release!   Open Source! (Beta 0.6.2.X) Shortly after Beta 6.2 (devs) start deploying we will be open sourcing the engine!   Final Release v1.0.0.0 (Steam) After we open source the engine we will work on user enhancements, bug fixes, overall stability, and eliminating performance bottlenecks. Our ultimate goal is to launch the engine on steam but we will need a project management control panel type app in order to make that viable. The engine could use a bit more polish, and we are exploring ways for people to host in strict networks without port fowarding or paying for a VPS. Right now our goal is for a smooth open source release. We will get together and make a list of goals for a Steam release soon!   Everything above is subject to change but that's our hope. We hope you like our plans moving forward and we will see how well we can stick to them as time goes on. As always this thread is open for discussion, feel free to drop us a note below  Check github for latest info > https://github.com/AscensionGameDev/Intersect-Engine/milestones moscano, Talikan, Xeno and 54 others 51 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NewbProgramming Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 Keep up the continued good work Agoraphobic and WereAlpaca 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agoraphobic Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 Amazing work! I am really stoked to see the engine progress as it has and look forward to seeing it in the future! Xeno and WereAlpaca 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gibier Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 God dammit maybe you are a god like George said. If you two continu like it you will create the true orpg maker without coding require. WereAlpaca and George 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimineyWhiskers Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 Yeah seriously, loving the progress and the professionalism here. I truly think you guys are onto something special here and this growing community is sure to keep your guys' passion and motivation going. WereAlpaca 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mcadams Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 GODSPEED JC WereAlpaca and jcsnider 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giligis Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 JC, lord of 2D MORPG making. WereAlpaca 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vus Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 This is awesome, can't wait for it to be released! Â Keep up the good work WereAlpaca, xChimerical and Agoraphobic 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vallar Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 I like the road map and how clear it is. Can't wait to see Intersect move through the version :).  I would also add in the ability to use names in messages in events the ability to use embedded variables similar to RPG Maker and C# strings. For example I would have a message that says: "Ah, hi there, [playerName]! I see you've collected [numberofItems] x [firstAssignmentItem]s, well done. But you need [totalNumberItemsNeeded - numberOfItems], come back when you got everything!". Would be even nice if we can add different colors to each of those. But I am getting ahead of myself, sorry. Agoraphobic, Giligis and WereAlpaca 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lurv Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 Awesome. Can't wait until september/october. I'll help and report as many bugs as i can in the meantime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dishpit Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 This is looking really good! Can't wait until the full release!! Keep up the excellent work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damian666 Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 3 hours ago, Vallar said: I like the road map and how clear it is. Can't wait to see Intersect move through the version :).  I would also add in the ability to use names in messages in events the ability to use embedded variables similar to RPG Maker and C# strings. For example I would have a message that says: "Ah, hi there, [playerName]! I see you've collected [numberofItems] x [firstAssignmentItem]s, well done. But you need [totalNumberItemsNeeded - numberOfItems], come back when you got everything!". Would be even nice if we can add different colors to each of those. But I am getting ahead of myself, sorry. atleast for the playername variable, I know its gonne be done  hell, even I got a $playername$ variable in the event system Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vallar Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 7 minutes ago, Damian666 said: atleast for the playername variable, I know its gonne be done  hell, even I got a $playername$ variable in the event system Hmm... does that mean in the events system we currently have, we can use $playername$ and it will show up? Or did I just understand this wrong? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damian666 Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 I dunno if its already in JC's event system, but In Orion+, which also has a event system made by jc, its already there. Â I think its something yet to come in intersect though. Â Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcsnider Posted August 1, 2016 Author Share Posted August 1, 2016 Because of the extreme time commitment and rapid coding by @Kibbelz we are switching around the roadmap a little bit.  The dynamic Day/Night system will be pushed back to Alpha 1.7 The admin panel and console commands are being moved up to Alpha 1.6  Changes are now reflected in the OP. WereAlpaca 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kibbelz Posted August 1, 2016 Share Posted August 1, 2016 hehe xd Beefy Kasplant and WereAlpaca 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nate Posted August 9, 2016 Share Posted August 9, 2016 If you need someone to make a video "How To" I'd be more than willing to help out between BETA 2.2 and 2.3. Â Looks promising - keep up the great work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcsnider Posted August 16, 2016 Author Share Posted August 16, 2016 Hi all, Â Quick change. Due to the amount of bug reports in 1.8 there will be a really basic 1.9 release at some point to stabilize the engine. I will be working closely with Agoraphobic, Murdoc, and others reporting bugs to get the engine in as good of a state as possible as we enter beta and knock out the last few features we want in the base engine. hra, varinyc, Xeno and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nymphisios Posted October 4, 2016 Share Posted October 4, 2016 Looks Like you're a bit late ! We are in October 2016 and still at Alpha 1.9, I'm sad of it. I hope you will update soon, you work is great and if you need any help testing or making tutorials, making New tiles... I'm your man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XerShade Posted October 4, 2016 Share Posted October 4, 2016 2 hours ago, Nymphisios said: Looks Like you're a bit late ! We are in October 2016 and still at Alpha 1.9, I'm sad of it. I hope you will update soon, you work is great and if you need any help testing or making tutorials, making New tiles... I'm your man! Engine's are not coded over night. Took me four hours now to code an extremely basic, bare bones, buggy as all banannas game loop. Still got at least a few days to go on something simple like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kem Posted October 4, 2016 Share Posted October 4, 2016 I've noticed a few people are saying Intersect is dead, but many more think it and don't say it.  The problem from my side (the side of someone who is waiting for and wants to use Intersect but has doubts about it being completed) is the lack of visible progress- I have no doubt progress is being made, but from our side we can't see it and it has been a while since a release.  I think the best option would be to open up some transparency to the community with a visual bug/feature tracker so we can see things getting ticked off and thus see the progress being made. It's not something you'd have to update every day, but every few days. This would ease the tension with regards to Intersect being abandoned since it's basically the pillar of the community. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys that every community that's ever tried to do what AGD is doing failed because they never managed to get a better engine out of the door with which to accommodate the non-programmer devs such as artists, writers and producers. Without a communal engine, those people who can't program an engine will go elsewhere to a site with an engine and the programmers will be stuck here on their own having to outsource their art and music which will eventually lead to "why am I even here" syndrome and they'll also leave, whilst with a communal engine, people form in-community teams, trade code for art and it allows people who don't program to create a game.  PowderEngine, IndieRising to name two off of the top of my head. (The ones I used, though I know there are more I can't remember their names.) PowderEngine had it made, the road was clear to success, people were joining the community and then Spork/Spike was contractually forced by his employer to stop developing the engine, so his community died because no one can use a half-made engine. IndieRising died literally because Sekaru refused to listen to me when I kept telling him the community needed an engine to use as a platform to build on- because he didn't do that, his site was almost solely programmers who made one or two posts, usually showing off their game, then left never to return. User retention is important. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beefy Kasplant Posted October 4, 2016 Share Posted October 4, 2016 3 minutes ago, Kem said: I've noticed a few people are saying Intersect is dead, but many more think it and don't say it.  The problem from my side (the side of someone who is waiting for and wants to use Intersect but has doubts about it being completed) is the lack of visible progress- I have no doubt progress is being made, but from our side we can't see it and it has been a while since a release.  I think the best option would be to open up some transparency to the community with a visual bug/feature tracker so we can see things getting ticked off and thus see the progress being made. It's not something you'd have to update every day, but every few days. This would ease the tension with regards to Intersect being abandoned since it's basically the pillar of the community. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys that every community that's ever tried to do what AGD is doing failed because they never managed to get a better engine out of the door with which to accommodate the non-programmer devs such as artists, writers and producers. Without a communal engine, those people who can't program an engine will go elsewhere to a site with an engine and the programmers will be stuck here on their own having to outsource their art and music which will eventually lead to "why am I even here" syndrome and they'll also leave, whilst with a communal engine, people form in-community teams, trade code for art and it allows people who don't program to create a game.  PowderEngine, IndieRising to name two off of the top of my head. (The ones I used, though I know there are more I can't remember their names.) PowderEngine had it made, the road was clear to success, people were joining the community and then Spork/Spike was contractually forced by his employer to stop developing the engine, so his community died because no one can use a half-made engine. IndieRising died literally because Sekaru refused to listen to me when I kept telling him the community needed an engine to use as a platform to build on- because he didn't do that, his site was almost solely programmers who made one or two posts, usually showing off their game, then left never to return. User retention is important.   There is some down time now, but if you see the progress that has been made the last year I don't think there is a reason to worry yet. I guess these things go in bursts because of motivation and time. Whitespirits and Kibbelz 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kem Posted October 4, 2016 Share Posted October 4, 2016 Regardless, transparency is a good thing and would only help in this case. Beefy Kasplant 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beefy Kasplant Posted October 4, 2016 Share Posted October 4, 2016 2 minutes ago, Kem said: Regardless, transparency is a good thing and would only help in this case.  I agree with that. Just wanted to make it clear that some downtime is going to happen with a hobby project.   Myles, Diefool, Kibbelz and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
biosboy4 Posted October 4, 2016 Share Posted October 4, 2016 If for some reason the devs have to stop developing (The Good Lord forbid), then at least they would probably release the source. Â There's always a bright side! Â Edit: Based on the overall timeline of each version, 2.0 is due any day now (strictly based off of publicly available data.) However, I have been fully expecting some lag with this release since it is the beta, and therefore a more important release. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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