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Issue when packing ressources




I've an issue when i try to pack my ressources.


All the graphic ressources is correctly packed, sound and music is correctly packed too


When i generate an update, the updater download my sound and music folder, even if it's packed or not

What i mean is my updater download packed sound, packed music, and the music & sound folder no packed

How i can avoid this ?

In the update.json, i saw all music / sound is not "ClientIgnore"

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Just now, Push said:

Sounds & Music hasn't properly packed for a long time.


But i got correctly file named music.index music0.asset and same for asset

The issues is, the updater still download music & sound folder, that's the only issues

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1 hour ago, Vhaeriel said:


But i got correctly file named music.index music0.asset and same for asset

The issues is, the updater still download music & sound folder, that's the only issues

Yes, that is what I'm referring to. Makes the packing of sound/music useless.

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