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Shield Slot determines projectile?



Hey there, first post and I hate it being a question. I've been doing pretty well with figuring out everything by my self so far.

I was wondering how I can take the projectile property off the weapon slot and move it to the shield slot? 


And then I would obviously need to re-create the projectile drop box in the item editor and move it in the shield properties. I have been working on this for hours and have been so lost in the code I am not sure where to start.

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4 answers to this question

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Changing the projectile to be based off of the shield slot instead of the weapon slot can be accomplished by, as of v0.7.2-beta.7 changing the AttackPacket handler

public void HandlePacket(Client client, AttackPacket packet)
(L1186)     if (player.TryGetEquippedItem(Options.WeaponIndex, out var equippedWeapon))

to reference the shield slot index

public void HandlePacket(Client client, AttackPacket packet)
(L1186)     if (player.TryGetEquippedItem(Options.ShieldIndex, out var equippedWeapon))


Edited by panda
Cleaned up post and provided specific method and line number details for future-proofing
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I have added my own working combo box to the Shield properties that changes "mEditorItem.Projectile" so pressing save should send a value but nothing happens ingame.a727b9d8dc8e056acfb8fe73323d19e8.png

        public FrmItem()
            Icon = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);




            lstGameObjects.Init(UpdateToolStripItems, AssignEditorItem, toolStripItemNew_Click, toolStripItemCopy_Click, toolStripItemUndo_Click, toolStripItemPaste_Click, toolStripItemDelete_Click);

        cmbProjectileShield.SelectedIndex = ProjectileBase.ListIndex(mEditorItem.ProjectileId) + 1;

        private void cmbProjectileShield_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            mEditorItem.Projectile = ProjectileBase.Get(ProjectileBase.IdFromList(cmbProjectile.SelectedIndex - 1));

I'm hoping it's just the case of changing the Shield slot properties now (maybe in ItemBase). If anyone could point me in the right direction you don't know how happy I will be 

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Right looks like I've been looking at the wrong parts of the code all this time. I still need some help. It looks like the Combo Box I made is actually assigning the projectile. I thought it wasn't storing it at all but it may be a "OnCombat" sort of code stopping it




Honestly if someone can help me then please do. I have spent a silly amount of hours on this small feature that is crucial for my game to work

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3 Days working on this, still can't find where in the code it decides the weapon slot determines the projectile



The amount of times I have read these cs files line by line has driven me insane. There has to be 1 person on this website that can point me to the if statement I have to change surely...

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