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Other Intersect Connect new website !


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Update at 2023-09-27


Hello everyone,


Intersect Connect is evolving, a brand new site has been created for this occasion.


So, what's the beauty of all this?


The first is Intersect Management, an online service that will allow you to manage your game server with your team. The service will offer all the functionalities linked to the Intersect API and will be compatible with most old and new versions.


The Store changes URL and goes under https://store.intersect-connect.tk/

The new site remains available at this address:


Intersect Management will offer a free and paid plan for teams, this service will be launched soon (if some want to test the features already available and the one that I could not test due to lack of data in my test database, can already appear in replies or private messages.)


This will be a long-term project.


I hope to have your support and see you using Intersect Management.

Enjoy !

Hello everyone,


I present to you my latest application "Intersect Connect".


This application will allow game developers to publish their games on the platform in a simple and free way, to allow players to download and play many games in one place, the application requires no registration for players as well as developers.






The features of the application are basic for the moment:

  • list of games,
  • List of games installed,
  • Install a game,
  • Uninstall a game,
  • View game news


No game update functionality has been implemented and is not currently planned, so you will need to have your own means of updating.


If you are a developer, you can watch the submission tutorial for your games by create an account here


Download Intersect Connect now !

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  On 2/17/2022 at 12:41 AM, Oddly said:

I actually think this is a cool idea. I always felt like in a way intersect could benefit from using a "public server list" type of model, where a game's contents could be downloaded simply by selecting a game.




I have always thought the same. Now it's done, it lacks more than to see if the developers will share their games. 

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Hi everyone,


I'm currently looking for a way to make an update system for Intersect Connect and people who don't have a launcher.

I'm thinking of looking into the Gamejolt version on Intersect Connect for now. (As soon as an update is uploaded, the whole game is downloaded)

I will also allow developers who have their game on Steam, to be able to launch it directly from the application, the thumbnail image of the game will then have a "Steam only" label on it displayed when this is the case.

A web interface will soon also appear to offer you a simpler way to add your games. (Database separated from the main database of the companies "Magework Studios" and "Thomasfds App").

As a reminder, all types of games are accepted of course!


If you want to see the web interface arrive first, react with the reaction: Like


If you wanted the "integration of steam games" first, react with the reaction: Thanks

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  On 2/22/2022 at 1:10 PM, XFallSeane said:

Hi !


I am happy to be able to announce that the web interface is now available: https://intersect.thomasfds.fr/register
Once your account is activated you can start adding your games.



This is really awesome, I'm loving how smooth everything feels and I can't wait to see more games added! I'm looking to add my project now, but I had a question about the launch/download link information section:

  1. Under "Executable windows" Do I need to add anything here? Or do I need to clarify which .exe file the launcher is looking for to run the game? Is there a default path?
  2. Under "Download link" is there any requirements for the files? Right now I have things packaged up in a .zip file via AWS, can I just throw that link in there or is there a specific process for getting it set up?
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  On 2/22/2022 at 6:14 PM, TheBearWannabe said:


This is really awesome, I'm loving how smooth everything feels and I can't wait to see more games added! I'm looking to add my project now, but I had a question about the launch/download link information section:

  1. Under "Executable windows" Do I need to add anything here? Or do I need to clarify which .exe file the launcher is looking for to run the game? Is there a default path?
  2. Under "Download link" is there any requirements for the files? Right now I have things packaged up in a .zip file via AWS, can I just throw that link in there or is there a specific process for getting it set up?



Hi thank for your support you use Web interface for add your game right ? 


1 & 2 :

Intersect Connect need an zip with executable client inside (in root folder not in other folder) need just executable name like :


Intersect Client.exe on installation folder :


AppFolder/games/gameName/Intersect Client.exe


For download link your download link from aws (zip file only) no other thing is needed. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning all !

A first update of the website is already available, it includes the addition of a link to the login and registration page in the navigation bar of the site.

When you register you now only have a basic user account, to have a developer account you need to send me a private message for the moment.

The accounts already present have been changed to developer.

A next update will arrive with the possibility of seeing the applications available on the Intersect Connect store from the website.

An update of the application will arrive later in order to be able to work with web calls:

  • View game in app:  Will open Intersect Connect installed on your pc and the desired game page
  • Play the game: Open Intersect Connect installed on your pc and will launch the selected game directly, if it is not installed on your machine, the installation page on Intersect Connect will be displayed for it.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone !

Update 1.0.9 is live :

Patch note :

  • Update Electron version,
  • Update Electron updater version,
  • Changed Intersect Connect update system,
  • Update api service url,
  • Removed old update button,
  • Updating Updates URL,
  • Preparing for Update 1.1.0.


I have update main post with new download link and new submission link

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone,


I am happy to inform you of an update for the Intersect Connect Windows application. It includes a new main design for the application, updates to internal packages as well as ElectronJS. The update will be automatically downloaded if you already have the software installed, however, if not, you will need to download it. I recommend that you download the complete software again for better results.

Please note that the service is still operational and available for all types of games.


I hope to see you soon for more features.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The application will always remain available no matter what, I am looking into a special plan to make the application more attractive to AGD developers but also to external developers who want to share their games with a Free-To-Play model.

All proposals will be studied.


I plan to deploy dozens of games under RPG Maker available for free and legally on many websites.


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  • 5 months later...
  • XFallSeane changed the title to Intersect Connect / Management
  • XFallSeane changed the title to Intersect Connect new website !

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