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Need Help [Paid] Seeking Composer


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Looking for a composer to help create some music for my project!


Game Overview: Flintforge Deep (Forum post here!)


Project Details:

  • Looking for a composer to create 60-90 second (Or more, depending on pricing) looping music tracks to be played in major areas. This project is being done in Intersect, so they would need to be .OGG files.
  • Looking to keep budgets around $25-40 per track. Open to bulk pricing as well.
  • Music would need to be agreed on for commercial use (Credit will be provided as well)
  • Looking for around 4 tracks at this time (More in the future) for main menu, general city music and two interior building tracks. More details and inspiration for the music can be found at the bottom of the post.


  • Discord: WobTBW#3744



  • Game project is heavily inspired by major fantasy games and media (WoW, LOTR, etc.) and mainly takes place in a Dwarven underground city. Looking for have a similar musical motif throughout the game, Since it's heavily focused on RP, looking for something that isn't too loud or distracting. Looking for fantasy ambience! Details below:



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