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Untested [Server] Profanity Filter


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Profanity Filter Plugin



This is a cut down remake of the following topic: 


There's currently (to my knowledge) no way to mute/ban people so I had to cut some features.


What this CAN do however is pretty simple.. It filters naughty words from chat!


NOTE: This plugin supports wildcards, but do be careful as a wildcard does not stop at the end of a word!

For example, the filter b*tch would filter this entire sentence: Because I like streaming on twitch



  • Filter words from chat messages.
  • Block character creation when users enter unwanted words. (v1.1+)
  • Configurable word list.
  • Wildcards in words.
  • Configuration options for filtering only chat messages or character names. (v1.1+)
  • Configure what character is used to filter words from chat (v1.1.1+)





Configuration File:

  "ProfanityFilters": [
  "Strings": {
    "CharacterCreationError": "The chosen name does not meet requirements set by the server."
  "Config": {
    "WriteOutputToConsole": true,
    "FilterChatMessages": true,
    "FilterCharacterNames": true,
    "CensorCharacter": "*"
  "IsEnabled": true


Server Start-Up:



In use:





Version 1.1.1     [Download]

Version 1.1.0:    [Download]

Version 1.0.0:    [Download]

Or view the Github repository over [Here]



  1. Download the above file.
  2. Extract the folder into your Intersect Server\resources\plugins directory.
  3. Modify the config.json file and add any words you would like to have filtered out from chat.
  4. Run your server!
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5 hours ago, Cheshire said:

Profanity Filter Plugin



This is a cut down remake of the following topic: 


There's currently (to my knowledge) no clean way to handle sending the user an error message from the server and cancelling character creation, or a way to mute/ban people so I had to cut some features.


What this CAN do however is pretty simple.. It filters naughty words from chat!


NOTE: This plugin supports wildcards, but do be careful as a wildcard does not stop at the end of a word!

For example, the filter b*tch would filter this entire sentence: Because I like streaming on twitch




  Hide contents

Configuration File:



Server Start-Up:



In use:





Version 1.0.0:    [Download]

Or view the Github repository over [Here]



  1. Download the above file.
  2. Extract the folder into your Intersect Server\resources\plugins directory.
  3. Modify the config.json file and add any words you would like to have filtered out from chat.
  4. Run your server!

How to using for 6.2 ?

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20 minutes ago, nvh said:

How to using for 6.2 ?

It is not possible, the plugin system that has been used is only for version 7.x, the reference that Ches mentioned in his post is an old patch.

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1 hour ago, Blinkuz said:

Không thể, hệ thống plugin đã được sử dụng chỉ dành cho phiên bản 7.x, tham chiếu mà Ches đề cập trong bài đăng của mình là một bản vá cũ.

ok tks

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I've just released version 1.1.1 of this plugin!

Some new options were added.. Primarily related to blocking characters with bad names from being creatd.

Some more configuration options to toggle on or off whether to filter names and chat messages, or only one of the two.

Also an option that lets you decide what character is used to censor chat with!


You can download it from over here: [Download]

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1 hour ago, Cheshire said:

I've just released version 1.1.1 of this plugin!

Some new options were added.. Primarily related to blocking characters with bad names from being creatd.

Some more configuration options to toggle on or off whether to filter names and chat messages, or only one of the two.

Also an option that lets you decide what character is used to censor chat with!


You can download it from over here: [Download]

Can you help being non case-insensitive in character naming?

if “jeonheemi” exists.  Will not be able to order “Jeonheemi” or “JEAONHEEMI”

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  • Cheshire changed the title to [Server] Profanity Filter
  • 3 years later...

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