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Creating my first spell help



So far I've been able to make 2 maps, add some nps, and now I want to add my first spell, A simple Fireball, But I cannot figure it out for the life of me haha. 


If anyone has a simple break down that would be awesome. I should be able to figure out the rest easy peasy. 



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11 answers to this question

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4 minutes ago, Guite Emortal said:

Most of it can be handled in the "Spell Editors"
If you are looking to add a fireball projectile I recommend reading:


Awesome Thanks for that! 


But I'm still having an issue placing the Image/Animation for the skill to even be visible. Maybe I'm over thinking it?


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13 minutes ago, Dylan_mtg said:

Awesome Thanks for that! 


But I'm still having an issue placing the Image/Animation for the skill to even be visible. Maybe I'm over thinking it?


Alright so really you need to start in the animations editor.

Here is a fireball animation I stitched together myself.
Place it in your Client & Editor>Resource>Animations
Save your project and restart your Editor.
Once open, navigate your way to "Animation Editor"

Set the Graphic to the Fireball and copy the settings.
Once you have that set up you can save and open the projectile editor to follow the previous guide I linked.

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8 minutes ago, Guite Emortal said:

Alright so really you need to start in the animations editor.

Here is a fireball animation I stitched together myself.
Place it in your Client & Editor>Resource>Animations
Save your project and restart your Editor.
Once open, navigate your way to "Animation Editor"

Set the Graphic to the Fireball and copy the settings.
Once you have that set up and saved you can save and open the projectile editor to follow the previous guide I linked.

So my issue is It's not pulling up the PNG of anything that didn't come with the engine.  I'm putting it in the right place so I'm not sure what's going on. 

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6 minutes ago, Guite Emortal said:

If you put anything new into the resource folder you have to restart the Editor and Game Client before it will recognize any new content.

Okay, Awesome Did all that. 


I did everything but now how do I get that spell in my spell book? 

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haha, Well I don't want to bother you farther, But it do wish there was a bit of a tutorial for setting this all up. I mean the basics of the basics. One map square with just about everything simple on it haha. I don't want to take up all your time with asking how to set up the PC, I tried doing the second part you said and I didn't have any luck but I'll keep trying. Thanks for being awesome! 

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I had an issue with the class editor too, not sure if it is a bug or if I have a bad understanding of how it works.
To create an NPC
Map Editor > Events Tab
Double Click on the map where you want to place the NPC.


Double Click in the Preview area to select an NPC Sprite.
Then use the event editor to add Show Options> Yes & No> Leave "No" Blank it will just close the dialogue > Under Yes insert Change Spells (Located under Player Control) > Set the Action to add > Set the Spell to the one you made.


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42 minutes ago, Guite Emortal said:

I had an issue with the class editor too, not sure if it is a bug or if I have a bad understanding of how it works.
To create an NPC
Map Editor > Events Tab
Double Click on the map where you want to place the NPC.


Double Click in the Preview area to select an NPC Sprite.
Then use the event editor to add Show Options> Yes & No> Leave "No" Blank it will just close the dialogue > Under Yes insert Change Spells (Located under Player Control) > Set the Action to add > Set the Spell to the one you made.


https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/ascensiongamedev/filehost/4f2e0e0e2e21a36c874a5e5eb57069f4.mp4 I THINK WE GETTING SOMEWHERE!

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Glad to be of help.



For projectiles with a directional animation make sure that you check the box next to "Auto Rotate Animation?"
This will rotate the animations to the direction it was cast so it doesn't look funky, like a reversed fireball animation.
I set the "Speed(ms)" to 1000 (Which is 1 second) this slows the fireball down and allows you to see the animation better.


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