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Resolution Change Needs Client Restart


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I've finally got a good handle on my UI and been able to move things around fairly easily with little to no problems, except when I change resolution. My programming side of me just knew that when I changed resolutions, the UI elements would not be where I wanted them to be, and I was right. Not sure if this is a common issue, but I've transferred my project to B7 and I'm loving the fixes and patches(particularly the disabled login button after logout fix, and the new mouse cursor).

So, i've got my UI set up and its looking really good, custom buttons and everything. They problem is when I change resolutions, the client needs a HARD restart(like, need to wait a minute before I restart) in order to adjust to the new resolution. Is there a way to fix this or maybe release a patch that prompts the user to restart the client to apply the changes? Thanks in advance!

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Ok, So i managed to fix it, the problem lied within the Bounds and Alignment Transform. Not sure how that would effect UI elements moving upon resolution change but after a few resolution changes they seem to be staying put.

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