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[Closed BETA]Pokemon MMO -PEO


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  On 7/30/2016 at 3:56 AM, PhenomenalDev said:

@MyNameIsLOL Thanks for the update! Quick question I'm a bit out of the loop first are the maps original or based off the games and second what pokemon,item and pokeballs are you including?


Maps are not the original.We have our region.

We have gen 1-5 later 6 pokemons.

Items included are from original pokemon games as well as pokeballs but there will be some special items like mystery boxes etc.


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  On 7/30/2016 at 2:41 PM, PhenomenalDev said:

@MyNameIsLOL That is awesome I can't believe how much you've done! Is there any chance of a cheeky open beta later? ;D


The game will be released mid Aug.So it will be available for everyone then.


New updates:

NPC Battles (Gym battles) - Fully working battles with npc that use multiple pokemon with own AI!
Wild AI - Wild pokemon now use different moves based on enemy pokemon type

NPC AI - NPC battles use their own AI


From now on ALL main features of the game are done.

We will now enter pre-release test phase.


Have a good day.


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I'm aware that some of the graphics dont like pretty but I'm more focused on releasing the actual game than doing graphics.

As we have our updater it is easy to update everything later.

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  On 8/3/2016 at 2:00 AM, PhenomenalDev said:

@MyNameIsLOL I personally love everything apart from the trainer sprite which doesn't really fit


I know it doesnt and we agreed that it needs some change but none of the staff is pixel artist and we cant get ourselves a decent sprite or any clothes.

We are also looking for pixel artist so If anyone wants to help It would be nice.

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  • 1 month later...

Update: As the game will probably get discontinued because of a lack of time to work on it the main Engine and its source will be selling.

The engine has so many features including gen 1-6,all pokemons,moves.

Trading,evolutions,honey system,pokemon drops,item editor that contains every item type,NPC scripting,easy to edit and non crashing source.

The price wont be near as low.This engine has got so much time and effort in it.If you are interested in this you can pm me and try the game out by yourself to test it.


Buying this engine DOES NOT include graphics,maps,GUI or anything that in game (games content) based.



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  On 9/27/2016 at 1:51 PM, Kibbelz said:

I think it may be worth releasing a closed source version that limits you to about 2-3 accounts on the server just to get people testing what the product does before buying it blind. This way will ensure no one steals it however allows people to test PVP. which I assume is in there.



It would also help indicate any bugs and whatnot. +1 to this

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