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Chest Tutorial [with password].

Weylon Santana

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Hello guys, as I am following The Last of Us part 2 on youtube [because I am not rich], I was delighted with their system of spreading letters with passwords [usually numbers] so that safes are opened. So why not bring that to the intersect? Using events we will reproduce this.


ATTENTION - To understand this tutorial it is extremely important that you understand the @wishy tutorial on variable strings. [click here]  This tutorial is basically a simple example of what can be done with his tutorial, using only 1 variable [essentially]



I am a lazy person and I am using 1 variable for all game chest events, instead of creating 1 variable per chest. His tutorial is great so understand his tutorial before doing this one. [I spent almost 1 week to understand, but then I saw that it was something so simple and so great that, finally, let's get to the subject].



3bb4907690f6778338a0509b4b841206.pngboth variables must be string



(you will understand step 4 of the image above if you see the tutorial I mentioned above.)

(correction = price - prize*)



Respectively step 1 and 2 of the image above.



step 6 of the image above.



when chest empty



Wishy said this in his tutorial and I will repeat it hereall events must contain unique names so that there are no conflicts.


This is an example of what can be done, much more can be done, such as putting a password in the players' chest, password set by the players, guessing games, among other things. Use your imagination.


Any questions can post below. And I would like to thank Wishy, who with that tutorial opened up many possibilities and my knowledge about the variables. I like to learn new things. xD



Result ingame


Edit - The chests will not reset when you restart, probably also when the server restarts, remain open. You can rest easy.



Edited by Weylon Santana
added video result
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  • 2 years later...

This is very smart. But I'm thought, what's the limit of the string, of course is something very big, but that need to be said for non programmers who can think that this is "infinite", because the value will be always concatenate.

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On 5/29/2023 at 10:39 PM, Manigold said:

This is very smart. But I'm thought, what's the limit of the string, of course is something very big, but that need to be said for non programmers who can think that this is "infinite", because the value will be always concatenate.

I don't know how to say the limit of the string, but I believe it should be enough, maybe enough to cover all the chests in the game, but I would be an idiot to say that too, because each game is a game, so if you don't intend to have more than 10,000 chests, then it should work

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