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Character Direction Change



Hi guys! Its me again (not Mario! :28_hugging:).


I'd like a system where player can change his direction without moving out of square, and started to chase the right block of code to change, I've make some changes and got this result shown on gif...




but! The problem is, if I open two clients and stay side by sided, when I change direction of one of the characters, the another player can't see that changes. What can I do to make these works properly? I've implemented the Running system, and its working properly, with shift + arrow (or AWSD keys) we can move faster and with control + arrow (or AWSD keys) we can turn our character direction, but I still with this problem of the direction can't be seen by another players.

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13 answers to this question

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  On 4/30/2020 at 7:53 PM, jcsnider said:

HandleInput happens every frame, so in theory upwards of 100 times a second. You need to do your own sort of timer and only send the change when directions change and then you'll be in good shape.





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Well, it's a good idea to see how other people did the job so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Maybe your issue would be solved by now. Plus, when we code, we are mostly using other people codes.



Off course @Shenmue, with no doubt! But as I said on another post, I'm a 10+ years old programmer (Mainly Java and PHP), and started study C# only because Intersect, for me isn't a good idea to copy codes from another sources right now.

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  On 4/30/2020 at 7:43 PM, EduKrowlley said:


No difference I guess. But I'm not searching for other codes, only writing mines. But thanks bytheway.


Well, it's a good idea to see how other people did the job so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Maybe your issue would be solved by now. Plus, when we code, we are mostly using other people codes.


However, like JC said you must find a way to reduce the number of packets sent.

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  On 4/30/2020 at 6:37 PM, Joyce said:

The client doesn't send the updated direction to the server, which then doesn't pass it on to others.

I imagine that's your problem.




  On 4/30/2020 at 6:37 PM, jcsnider said:

After changing the dir add:




I've did this already, I've put the line PacketSender.SendDirection(dir); after the all dir changes inside of the ifs, but when I press two or three times, the account is disconnected by the server with flood reaction.

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  On 4/30/2020 at 6:48 PM, EduKrowlley said:



I've did this already, I've put the line PacketSender.SendDirection(dir); after the all dir changes inside of the ifs, but when I press two or three times, the account is disconnected by the server with flood reaction.



Look at these settings in the server config:


"FloodThreshholds": {
        "MaxPacketSize": 10240,
        "MaxPacketPerSec": 5,
        "KickAvgPacketPerSec": 3


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  On 4/30/2020 at 6:50 PM, Joyce said:


Look at these settings in the server config:


"FloodThreshholds": {
        "MaxPacketSize": 10240,
        "MaxPacketPerSec": 5,
        "KickAvgPacketPerSec": 3




I don't know if have another way to do that, but, I would not like to have to change that configuration... maybe anything inside of source can keep my packets cleaner? or another way to call the PacketSender that is not in every change of direction?

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  On 4/30/2020 at 7:04 PM, jcsnider said:

Add more logic so it only sends the direction change when the direction actually changes. On top of that.. maybe add a client side delay on how often you can change the direction? 



I've added this code inside of InputHandle() of the client. How often InputHandle() is called? Inside of game loop? This code are right down of the character movement inputs... :(




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I believe input is handled every frame. 


Checking to see if you actually changed direction before sending a new one as jc suggested would probably also help. (maybe setting a cap on only being able to change directions every half a second or so as well) 

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