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Make Local Chat Default instead of Global



Hi All.


I am building a dating app using intersect game engine called 'Love is blind' .


It is a new take on the dating genre.


I have stripped down 90% of the UI in the c# code and just left the chatbox because I want the system to be event driven, not spell / item / gear driven.


I have managed to remove the Global dropdown link in the chat but the problem is that Global is still the default chat.


Where is the code that makes Global the default chat? I want to make Local the default chat and hide global entirely.



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I feel like the easiest way to do this (since you've hidden the option already) would be to find what handles chat input and simply disable the global chat option and call the local one instead. 


It's not the most elegant, but would work. I'd have to look into the actual code when I have the time for an elegant solution. 

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mChannelCombobox = new ComboBox(mChatboxWindow, "ChatChannelCombobox");
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if(i != 1)
                    var menuItem = mChannelCombobox.AddItem(Strings.Chatbox.channels);
                    menuItem.UserData = i;


This is the code...Now only the Local and Party Chat displays like I need it to

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