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Can NPCs heal/target other NPC?



Hi everyone,


I'm playing around with healing spells and with the new shield effects. I'm trying to get NPCs to heal each other, which would make an encounter more difficult for our players when enemies heal each other or easier if friendly NPCs helped heal the player. The healing spells work when players use them, either on themselves or a friendly target. But the NPCs only seem to target themselves, and even AOE healing doesn't seem to work for enemies. Is there a way to configure spells or NPCs so that they will heal each other? 


The one work around I can think of is making the NPC with the healing ability treat other NPCs as enemies and then targetiing them with 'healing' spells that can target hostiles. But that isn't a perfect solution.


Thanks in advance, freinds.

Edited by SarcasticSloth24
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