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Sound problem



So, i got a weird bug today.


I started working on my project today for the first time since maybe 6 months or something.

I uppgraded my intersect version to 6.1 succesfully, but now i got something weird happening !


I made some dubbing (I hope it's the right word, i'm not an english speaker) for my game, and i have to use the functionality ''stop sounds'' after every dialogues to make the person stop speaking before starting a new sentence.

But when I use it since I uppgraded my version, the game's audio starts to do weird things like loops of 1-2sec, the music stops, restart and stops very quilckly, sound effects doesn't works and so on !


does anyone know why ? Is the function ''stop sounds'' broken in 6.1 ?


I hope this is the right place to ask, don't want to bother anyone. Thanks :)

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