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Intersect Beta 6.1 Released!


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Beta 6.1 Released




What's New?

Extra Client Font Options (Damage, Chat Bubbles, Entity Labels)

Force players to remain logged in during combat

Colors Overhaul

Trap Spells

Projectile Piercing

Equipment Buffs (Tenacity, Luck, Exp)

Event Commands (Adjust vitals)

Attack speed settings for npcs and classes

Player labels

String variables

Event parameters

and more!


Check out the dev blog here!




Diverging Builds

Going forward Intersect will have stable and unstable builds. Starting today Beta 6.1 will launch in the development channel, and we will continue to update Beta 6.0 as stable builds.

Beta 6.1 requires a database migration that is one-way, so be sure to make a backup of your databases just in case you want to return to Beta 6.0 while we work on stability.


You can download Beta 6.1 from the new Development Builds thread here!


Beta 6.0 also got a nice bug fix release today and that can be found in the Stable Builds here!


We recommend that active games continue to use the stable Beta 6.0 builds while we work on Beta 6.1 stability!



Open Source Next!

Our next goal is open source! We want to work on Beta 6.1 a little more and get it to a stable point. During that time we're going to work on forum upgrades, documentation, and the repo so we can release the source very soon!


Have fun!



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