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Lets make an AGD intersect game


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Just like the tittle says


There are a lot of experienced intersect developers, artists and coders here, and what we don't have is a propper AGD intersect project (ok that demo is cool for playing like 30 secs). I think we should join and make a cool intersect project. We get a lot of cool things here and nobody ask us for anything but just some credits, so lets make an actual game from the community to the community and help AGD to get new users. Cmon guys, lets do something together for once, im sure it will be fun.


I will propose some rules and methodologies, but they can be changed if we want:


First of all I want to point that, if we are gonna work together, we will need some rules to prevent any problem. I thought about something like this:


Development rules:

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Also, if we are gonna work together, we have to be organized. If everyone touches everything it will so hard to make a high quality game. In my opinion, everyone should think about the next roles and focus on some of them:


Game development roles:

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Next we need some work methodologies, I've thought about the following:


Working methodologies:

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Finally, and just as a way to keep the thread clean, I propose the next application rules:


Volunteers' application:

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What do you thing? Should we make an AGD game together? I wanna see your applications!! 


Current team:





@Ainz Ooal Gown



More soon will join once we approve you :)

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I have always liked this idea.


I've been interested in running one of these for about a year or two. It never came to fruition as I realised it would be hard to maintain constant quality of those contributing towards the project (Due to the large scale size of it). It also is hard to go in a direction that everyone would be happy with, especially due to I assume we are talking of a team of 20+ developers all with different ideas. Also, if the barrier to entry is very easy, its extremely easy for others to troll and delete other users hard earned work (Obviously there would be automated server backups but the concept still applies). Hence I've never put my thoughts into action since I'm still unsure of how to do this right.


I am happy contributing to this project but you really need a way of filtering applications and only taking developers with sufficient standards otherwise you'll end up running from a beautiful map to a well rather... badly designed bare map. Perhaps we should elect a team to run this project with other developers applying to join via an application that goes through quality control? This may encourage developers to work on their skills before applying again which as a whole should increase the quality of games we see on the forums as well as a better joint project.


Just some food for thoughts .

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  On 11/22/2019 at 2:43 PM, Kibbelz said:

I have always liked this idea.


I've been interested in running one of these for about a year or two. It never came to fruition as I realised it would be hard to maintain constant quality of those contributing towards the project (Due to the large scale size of it). It also is hard to go in a direction that everyone would be happy with, especially due to I assume we are talking of a team of 20+ developers all with different ideas. Also, if the barrier to entry is very easy, its extremely easy for others to troll and delete other users hard earned work (Obviously there would be automated server backups but the concept still applies). Hence I've never put my thoughts into action since I'm still unsure of how to do this right.


I am happy contributing to this project but you really need a way of filtering applications and only taking developers with sufficient standards otherwise you'll end up running from a beautiful map to a well rather... badly designed bare map. Perhaps we should elect a team to run this project with other developers applying to join via an application that goes through quality control? This may encourage developers to work on their skills before applying again which as a whole should increase the quality of games we see on the forums as well as a better joint project.


Just some food for thoughts .



Yeah, those are many of the main problems I realized when I was thinking about that idea but, at the same time... who are we, users, to tell other users if they can join or not an agd game project? That's why I thought about the moderating team. If we are gonna try to make a game to demonstrate what intersect is capable of, I think agd staff would care about that game quality, and that's why I propose moderating team being the ones who decide if an application is good or not for that kind of project. Let me give an example: Anyone can apply to intersect beta testing, but not anyone will be invited to get the unreleased beta exes, devs decide who can join from those applicants.


Another bad point is the control of the commits. If I add a new page to a map event which will give me free money, maybe nobody will realize, and that thing might go public. That's why I talked a few months ago about liquidbase, thats the only tool I can think about to help developers to control what are they actually commiting. If we said we will be adding a new map for next commit, and liquidbase detects changes on quest's related data, you know something weird is happening and you can search and clean the bad things or simply go back to the previous backup. But there is no way to know who did what, if I say I mapped something nobody can demonstrate the one mapping that was panda (unless panda recorded that on video lol). So... moderating team has a big responsability when accepting someone's application (same as any project manager who hires some worker who could steal the project source code for example).


For all those things, I believe everyone should be free to apply, but moderating team(AGD mods and admins) should be the ones accepting/declining them. But, as I said, all the rules and stuff I wrote is just a proposition, I'm at the same level than any other member, if anyone has better ideas we can change everything.

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  On 11/22/2019 at 2:43 PM, Kibbelz said:

I have always liked this idea.


I've been interested in running one of these for about a year or two. It never came to fruition as I realised it would be hard to maintain constant quality of those contributing towards the project (Due to the large scale size of it). It also is hard to go in a direction that everyone would be happy with, especially due to I assume we are talking of a team of 20+ developers all with different ideas. Also, if the barrier to entry is very easy, its extremely easy for others to troll and delete other users hard earned work (Obviously there would be automated server backups but the concept still applies). Hence I've never put my thoughts into action since I'm still unsure of how to do this right.


I am happy contributing to this project but you really need a way of filtering applications and only taking developers with sufficient standards otherwise you'll end up running from a beautiful map to a well rather... badly designed bare map. Perhaps we should elect a team to run this project with other developers applying to join via an application that goes through quality control? This may encourage developers to work on their skills before applying again which as a whole should increase the quality of games we see on the forums as well as a better joint project.


Just some food for thoughts .



While I agree, I can't truly see anyone willing to put the time in, get access to the editors and join the discord just to troll, at least on here. I feel like the only barrier to entry should be no new AGD accounts and no one with an obviously spotted history of being a dick. After all, this is a game development forum and most of the people are here because they love games and making games, I think this could actually go pretty smoothly if everyone sticks to it, even if just casually.


Edit: As well as the above I feel like the only other barrier would be mapping, which could be simplified by just having the team vote on the best mappers of the group that are willing and designating them to maps.

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We don't necessarily need the direct moderation team to run this. Just trusted experienced users. Users such as @Xeno@Aesthetic and @Khaikaa meet that criteria for me plus a few others. I would happily volenteer if enough people are interested/motivated. I could even setup a channel in the AGD discord with various usergroups.

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Its all about trust, I agree that I dont see people wanting to do this just to troll, but if you make a close nit team, doesnt have to be 20+ devs, just a small team that is willing to put the time and effort in on the project. Have meetings every now (Bi Weekly) to make sure all Devs are on the same page.


Having a scope written up that directs the project in a direction that all Devs agree on is also a good idea.

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Username: panda

Intersect Projects: Intersect

Roles: Programmer



Any work I do has to go into the base engine, or has to be a related utility or piece of software and will be open source.


If something can be partially implemented in the engine, but a full implementation doesn't meet the standards for being put into the engine, I will only work on the part that goes into the engine.


Examples of stuff I can work on:

- API endpoints

- Server networking or database development (think server replication/multiple servers)

- Server management tools

- Client management tools (think launchers)

- Websites


In short, I'm just going to be an Intersect developer. The difference is that requests for work for this game will get priority over requests from the general community. I will not be a dedicated programmer for this game however, as anything I do will not be explicitly for it.

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@Khaikaa and @Aesthetic.


I've created a private channel on the AGD discord and given you roles to talk about this further. Currently only you and the discord moderators can view the channel for moderation purposes as well as those who are interested in contributing (Looking at @panda). Lets talk and get the ball rolling, we'll talk at how best to proceed here and we'll be inviting others ASAP :)

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Username: The Bunny Gamer

Intersect projects: Darkest Dawn Online, Darkest Dawn Online Reimagined

Roles: Developer, writer

(Note I cannot make any activity guarantees.)


The only issue I see here is hostility between developers making this based on how good they are at development.

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  On 11/23/2019 at 9:33 PM, The Bunny Gamer said:

Username: The Bunny Gamer

Intersect projects: Darkest Dawn Online, Darkest Dawn Online Reimagined

Roles: Developer, writer

(Note I cannot make any activity guarantees.)


The only issue I see here is hostility between developers making this based on how good they are at development.



Well that's normal no one want to make a game that will have part well made and some time very basic.

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What we could do is two game for two type of user: one basic game (the beginner could help each other) and one way more complex (the person who know intersect well could show off there skill which would probably make the other want to master it more)


A game from a community shouldn't exclude a huge part of his community.

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  On 11/23/2019 at 11:48 PM, Gibier said:

What we could do is two game for two type of user: one basic game (the beginner could help each other) and one way more complex (the person who know intersect well could show off there skill which would probably make the other want to master it more)


A game from a community shouldn't exclude a huge part of his community.



You mean like, an advanced mode and a basic mode? Sounds great.

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  On 11/23/2019 at 11:48 PM, Gibier said:

What we could do is two game for two type of user: one basic game (the beginner could help each other) and one way more complex (the person who know intersect well could show off there skill which would probably make the other want to master it more)


A game from a community shouldn't exclude a huge part of his community.


While i agree that we shouldn't exclude a large portion of newbies. You can understand everyones reasoning as to why they are doing it. For now lets watch how this project turns out (It may not last) If successful I'll start a newbie community game.


Also @Uyarrr @Ainz Ooal Gown check the AGD discord as you've been added to the project.

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Hello, i think this is a good idea :5_smiley:


I am sick at mapping and graphics but why not to try do something else?


If i need to provide some screenshots/other information, just request me.


Username: hiroman

Intersect projects: Demon Slayers (old weird trailer)

Roles: Developer, GUI engineer, Writer, Coder, Tester

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