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Taking Event Tutorial Requests



Im working on a lock pick system tutorial to release to the community and was wondering if there were any commonly requested event tutorials you guys would like me to tackle. Let me know in this topic.



Here is the currently Request Tutorial List:

-Rain effects and weather

-Arena Match Making

-Wheel of Fortune

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5 minutes ago, Niko said:

Im working on a lock pick system tutorial to release to the community and was wondering if there were any commonly requested event tutorials you guys would like me to tackle. Let me know in this topic.


Custom weather? Not just fog but an actual weather system

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Hmm Im a little confused with what is going on out side of the crafting table, what are all the other options menus for? Maybe a language barrier preventing me from understanding, also why would you ever have an image icon that large? use 32x32 lol

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11 minutes ago, Niko said:

Im working on a lock pick system tutorial to release to the community and was wondering if there were any commonly requested event tutorials you guys would like me to tackle. Let me know in this topic.


Good luck with your request, i ask for tutorial request on my event tutorial age ago and never got one. Hope you have more luck than me xD

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I think my cooking system would be a good event tutorial. I would create it but i'm too lazy, ig would be nice to see how you would make it.


And would know maybe you would make it better or find anoyher way to use event (i doubt it but who know)


If you recreate it i'll upload my system's event page to show that you can do the exact same event without making the exact same event page.

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21 hours ago, AisenArvalis said:

Arena or Dungeon matchmaking system would be nice since it's on the harder side of eventing I believe


Wouldn't be that hard


Ok maybe it would

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