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Giving multiple Items back when crafting?



I thought you used to be able to give more than one item back from crafting? Is this no longer possible?

I used to require the player to have a smith's mold while crafting bars at a furnace, so the crafting table would take your ore and smith's mold. Then return you with a bar and the smith's mold back in your inventory.

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Not possible in B5 as far as I can see, but you could just make it evented instead.

>Show Options[Bar]
       >Conditional Check[Ore]
          >Condition Check[Mold]
             >Give Item[Bar]
             >Take Item[Ore]
             >Chatbox Text: No Mold
          >Chatbox Text: No Ore

Sorta, don't have access to the editor atm.

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Well... even when there is no "easy" way, and even when this will mean tons of work... you can make it


For example, you can craft "fake" items. You have to make the same item 2 times(for example, 2 gold bars) which have to be equal. When you craft the "fake" gold bar, you run an autorun event with "has item: gold bar(the fake one)" spawn condition. This event will add the real gold bar and, for example, 3 gold nuggets, and remove the fake gold bar. Depending how many craft items you have in your game this can be both a nice solution or hell on earth.

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Ok, I wouldn't want to event it because it would be the only crafting station without showing the recipes and such and I do enjoy consistency.  I could have sworn it was in inersect because I used to require it in v3 or something and then it must have been removed.

@Khaikaa im not exactly sure what you mean, this could work with crafting tables?

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On 9/3/2019 at 2:37 PM, Niko said:

Ok, I wouldn't want to event it because it would be the only crafting station without showing the recipes and such and I do enjoy consistency.  I could have sworn it was in inersect because I used to require it in v3 or something and then it must have been removed.

@Khaikaa im not exactly sure what you mean, this could work with crafting tables?


I believe what he's saying is for example your mold, when you give the mold and the ore to the blacksmith you just get the weapon back, what you could do is actually have the player craft 2 of that specific weapon or armor and have the autorun even condition check that you have atleast 2 swords then have it take one sword and replace it with one mold it will all happen before the player can even see and it will appear as if you got your mold and sword. 

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3 minutes ago, Aesthetic said:


I believe what he's saying is for example your mold, when you give the mold and the ore to the blacksmith you just get the weapon back, what you could do is actually have the player craft 2 of that specific weapon or armor and have the autorun even condition check that you have atleast 2 swords then have it take one sword and replace it with one mold it will all happen before the player can even see and it will appear as if you got your mold and sword. 

aha, now im starting to understand what is said. I was very lost before. This would work with the crafting tables?

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20 hours ago, Niko said:

Ok, I wouldn't want to event it because it would be the only crafting station without showing the recipes and such and I do enjoy consistency.  I could have sworn it was in inersect because I used to require it in v3 or something and then it must have been removed.



When he says event editor, he means common events, not an NPC

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