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1st Ascension Game Dev Official Community Battle Royal


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Hello folks, welcome to the first ever official Ascension Game Development Battle Royal!

In this community wide event, we will be meeting up at a remote location somewhere in the middle of the Sahara Desert to have a battle to the death.


There will be games,

There will be snacks,

There will be sweet and spicy chilli doritos.

There will be BLOODSHED.


The rules are as followed:
Each competitor may bring with them a single weapon of choice with only the few following exceptions:

  • Nuclear warfare is strictly forbidden.
  • Any melee weapon with a tamagotchi taped to the side
  • Halberds,
  • Any projectile firing devices
  • Digimon.

Competitors who choose to use gas-powered or uranium powered devices are required to supply their own fuel.

All competitors must give a long winded and emotionally driven anime style intro sequence BEFORE entering the battle field.

The event strictly bans all forms of familiar magic with the exception of demon summoning. ANIMAL ABUSE IS NOT COOL BROS!

There is an entry fee of a pocket full of a single outdated and overly used meme and 43 cents (Payments must be exact and payed in the form of a Cashier's check or direct deposit).

If you are interested in competing please fill out the form at the bottom of the post, please choose only from the answers to the multi-choice questions provided.


Thank you for your time and interest in the first Official Ascension Game Development Community Battle Royal!

Applicant form:
What is your gender identification?

  • Apache Attack Helicopter
  • A very angry white mom with nothing better to do than speaking to your manager.
  • Other

Have you seen my dad? He went to get cigarettes and hasn't come back yet. That was like 24 years ago...

  • No
  • Also No

Which weapon will you be brining to the battle field?

No seriously have you seen my dad?

  • Wtf bro?

What party favors will you be brining with you?

  • Sweet and Spicy Chili Doritos
  • The Doritos in the purple bag.
  • The only good flavor of Doritos (The purple ones)

What is the square root of 124? Show your work.


Event location and date/time:





Got em. Yall know you missed me <3



I took a week's break from Social Media and I'm really fucking bored right now.

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2 hours ago, Oddly said:

Applicant form:
What is your gender identification?

  • A very angry white mom with nothing better to do than speaking to your manager.

Have you seen my dad? He went to get cigarettes and hasn't come back yet. That was like 24 years ago...

  • No

Which weapon will you be brining to the battle field?

  • Rubber mallet, with a tamagotchi glued to the side

No seriously have you seen my dad?

  • Wtf bro?

What party favors will you be brining with you?

  • The only good flavor of Doritos (The purple ones)

What is the square root of 124? Show your work.

  • Fuck fuck fuck fuck. 4 fucks given = 2. Plz lemme in.


Entry Fee:

This smokin hot blonde (NSFW), and I'll need your account/routing numbers please for the deposit. :) 

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1 hour ago, WereAlpaca said:

I can't believe I found someone else that knows that BBQ doritos (the purple ones) are hands down the best of all. Is this fate?

Did you just say BBQ Doritos? You sir can GTFO of my thread you sick twisted bastard. Sweet and spicy chili bro. SWEET AND SPICY CHILLI


2 hours ago, jcsnider said:


I like how you bamboozled my tamogatchi rule.


2 hours ago, Dashplant said:

I'm a big fan of this post.



 Thanks for being a fucking weirdo crust monster

You're welcome kassy poo <3

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32 minutes ago, The Bunny Gamer said:

I'm confused by the point of this post.

What point? Rarely anything I post around here is rational.

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