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Dev Blog 5/3/2019 - Combat + Event additions


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Combat + Event additions



Combat has been advanced heavily since the days of eclipse, such as advanced projectiles, dash spells, warping to target spells etc but we could always do better! So without further due, allow me to announce our new additions!





Yes you heard that right, we now have shields in Intersect that can block damage for a specified period of time and the strength of the shield can be specified in the spell editor. Here are the results ingame:



On Hit Spell Types

This spell works slightly differently to most spells, it adds an "on hit" status onto the target so with their next attack (Non-spell attack) will recast the spell and apply the damage, buffs and spell effects! 



You can now put targets to sleep! Works exactly the same way as stun just a different name and text for a little bit of diversity!


Warp To Target

Now has damaging options if you want this move to deal damage to the target!


The ability to make spells bound to the user like bound items


Damaging event spells.




Hide/Show player

You can now hide/show players with the event system. This is important for cutscenes! (or even a cheeky perma stealth spell for ninja admins :P)


Is item equipped condition

A mass requested condition is finally here! You can now check if an item is equipped for conditions! This will help for stealth operations where you don't want NPC's to attack you if you are disguised as them!


Adding/Subtracting player variables and global variables

Let us know what you think, stay tuned! I will be updating this thread as I finish off what is in the WIP section!

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  On 3/5/2019 at 10:54 AM, Dashplant said:

How exactly does the on hit spell type work? That one is kinda confusing


I cast an onhit spell.

I gain an onhit status.

When i next attack an enemy before the status expires i do the damage of the spell ontop of my attack damage. (Doesn't combo off other spells). Think of it as empowering your next regular attack. You can even use status effects and buffs with this, like stunning the target on your next regular attack.


  On 3/5/2019 at 10:58 AM, Dashplant said:

Just have to ask: 


How about adding spell effects/damage and everything to event spells? That would open up a million possibilities


Please elaborate on a few examples.

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  On 3/5/2019 at 11:11 AM, Kibbelz said:

I cast an onhit spell.

I gain an onhit status.

When i next attack an enemy before the status expires i do the damage of the spell ontop of my attack damage. (Doesn't combo off other spells). Think of it as empowering your next regular attack. You can even use status effects and buffs with this, like stunning the target on your next regular attack.


Please elaborate on a few examples.



Ahh cool, so it 'powers' up your next 'E' / LeftMouse attack



Examples for events linked to spells: 


Control over variables makes it possible to keep track of spell uses, timings: Increase a variable when casting = Spell levelling system / Increase a variable when casting makes it possible to create combo systems / 'rage' meter


Event control makes it possible to add multiple stages to a spell: Damage target and then warp away. 


Chatbox text when casting spell








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Great news, I like this updates so much!


Just a little thing @Kibbelz, would be possible to "break" the sleep state by hitting the target? I mean, it would work exactly as stun, and its effect will dissapear after x secs if nobody acts, but if someone hits a sleeping enemy I think it should wake up, would that be hard to add?

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  On 3/4/2019 at 11:23 PM, Kibbelz said:

Let us know what you thinkο»Ώ


I loved everything, good additions that the intersect needed .. :3_grin:
@Kibbelz, could have be that in the npc editor. [Now that the editor has npc stopped or moving randomly], it could have there as well by the option to '' set route '', therefore technically would not need a pet system, but only an event spell that would generate the npc and then he would follow the player, being friendly, but attacking the other npcs.

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  On 3/6/2019 at 12:50 PM, Taykox said:

is this also possible with single player?


Yes and no, the Intersect is only a multiplayer engine. You could release it as a single player game, but you would have to release the server and the client to players. The players would have to launch the server and the client every time they wanted to play.

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  Reveal hidden contents

meant with this

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  On 3/6/2019 at 1:52 PM, Taykox said:
  Reveal hidden contents

meant with this


I think depending on what you are doing its going to be the same answer.


I believe there is also a way to create events so that only one person sees them at a time, but if you want a single player game it would be way less work to go with some other engine. If your not trying to make a 100% single player game then I think all this does is allow the player to become invisible so they are not on the map during the cut-scene. If everyone is invisible then its still a multiplayer game where you just can't see the other players.

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I did a quick search earlier, but I could not find any posts on it, I do believe there is already some way to make a map or quest or event that works like a single player instance. You may want to ask or make a post so someone with more knowledge can answer how that's done.

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