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How to make - Ranked system (Tested)

Sweet Candy

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Today i'll show you how to make a ranked system like "League of Legends" with Intersect Engine 5.1!


On my game i have an a more advanced system like this photo :)
I'll show you how

So...step by step
We will made a basic system of 3 leagues with 5 divisions
Bronze 5 to 1
Gold 5 to 1
And Master

  1. First step: Make 3 player variables: "Leagues", "Divisions","Points"
  2. Make a  common event to set Variable {Leagues} and {divisions} to 1 by default on login with conditional "If player league is equal to 0" and "If player divisions is equal to 0"

On the other common event make the next:

  1. Insert a "Wait" for 15.000 ms (15 seconds)
  2. Insert a Conditional Branch for check if the player points are greather than or equal to 100
  3. Inside of this conditional add other conditional branch for check if player division are equal to 5 (This means that the player is in a division 1 ready for obtain a new league)
  4. Inside of this conditional add another conditional branch for check if player league is equal to 3 (The max league) [For obtain infinite points and don't acquire more leagues]
  5. on Else sectión (Blue line) add player variable {leagues} +1 and set player variable {points} to 0
  6. on another Else section (Cyan) add player variable {divisions} +1 and set player variable {points} to 0 (This is because the player dont have a division equal to 5 (Ex. Gold 1,bronze 1,etc)
  7. Set the trigger on "autorun" and we will go to another conditional branch below all this


On the next conditional will do this:

  1. Add a new conditional branch for check if player points are less than or equal to -20 (For descend)
  2. Inside add another conditional for check if player variable {leagues} is equal to 1 (Because a bronce can't lose more leagues)
  3. Inside add another conditional for check if the bronze division are equal to 1 and dont add anything more (For lose inifinity points only)
  4. On Else part (2nd green lane) substract 1 from player variable {divisions} (This is because the Bronze player are on division like 4,3,2 or 1 and can descend)
  5. On Else part  (Cyan color) add another conditional branch for check if player variable {divisions} are equal to 1
  6. inside Subtract 1 to player variable {leagues} - Set player variable {Divisions} to 5 and Set player variable points in a random number 50 to 80
  7. Now on the last else part (Blue color) Subtract 1 to player variable {Divisions} and set the player variable {points} in a random number 50 to 80
  8. Save this and go to make another Common event for players (This will be for check manually our leagues)

Now on the new Common event you need to do this:

  1. Add a conditional Branch for check if player variable {leagues} is equal to 3 (Max league "Master")
    If are Master add a Chatbox text that say "\pn are MASTER with \pv{points} points"
  2. On Else (Yellow) add another conditional for check if player variable {leagues} is equal to 2
  3. Inside  (Green) add another conditional Branch for check if player variable {divisions} are equal to 5 (League 2/División 5 = "Gold 1")
    If are Gold add a Chatbox text  that say "\pn are Gold 1 with \pv{points} points"
  4. On Else (Cyan) add another conditional Branch for chek if player variable {divisions} are equal to 4 (Var. League 2/Divisions 4 = Gold 2)
  5. Reply the steps to División 3,2 and 1


Below that insert other conditional for check if player variable {league} are 1

  1. Reply the same steps from previous image
  2. 47f275116547f2c8025cedef9bff0c24.png095759cdc1feda874d2b4d41c5b26fca.png
  3. Put the trigger /command and add the command to call this event (On my case are /rank)

And now you have your own ranked system
For add more leagues or divisions only add more numbers to the 2nd Common event

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Thanks Khaikaa

Other things that I managed to do with the event creator and the variables are:

Bounty Hunter System
Rankeds system
Special Boss System
Daily Random Mission System
Seasonal Missions System (Valentine, Christmas, etc.)

Game modes:

1 vs 1
5 vs 5
The traps
Infection (players who infect others and seek to survive an "X" amount of time)
Qualifiers 3 vs 3
Qualifiers 5 vs 5
Treasure hunt

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  • 2 years later...
On 1/3/2019 at 22:10, Sweet Candy said:

Gracias Khaikaa

Otras cosas que logré hacer con el creador de eventos y las variables son:

Sistema de
cazarrecompensas Sistema de clasificación Sistema de jefes
especiales Sistema de
misiones aleatorias diarias Sistema de
misiones de temporada (San Valentín, Navidad, etc.)

Modos de juego:

1 contra 1
5 contra 5
Las trampas
Infección (jugadores que infectan a otros y buscan sobrevivir una cantidad de tiempo "X")
Clasificatorios 3 contra 3
Clasificatorios 5 contra 5
Búsqueda del tesoro,

Gracias por el sistema de rangos hace rato lo estaba buscando, podrias pasar el de cazarecompesas y misones de temporada ?


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