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Graphics dragon texturesz


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Its not going to work with intersect or in a game as you need movement frames in all 4 directions  (up down left and right). If you dont care and just want a static image just open paint and paste the same image in a 4x4 grid.


Edit in this format:


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Yeah the way Intersect hands its sprites is by dividing the width and height by four. Open the image, and without resizing it extend the width and height to four times the original. Then if needed copy and paste it a few times. If you need some help doing this DM me and we can see if something can be arranged.

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Do you still need help with this?

For animating the image you could try something like this 


Its basically skeleton based animation for 2d stuff and gets some really nice results!  Up and down views are another thing entirely but personally if you ask me they aren't required for bad guys.  Many bad guys in 2d rpgs have been basically side only views.   

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Find the original size of the dragon. Multiply the dimensions by four, then copy and paste the same image right next to the others. What you could also do is put all of the same dragons on the same sprite sheet, will improve resource management.

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Intersect uses the real size of a graphic, it wont scale it to be smaller. You need to reduce the size so its sensible. Also you have not perfectly spaced each frame evenly as I can see a wing from another frame.

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