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[WIP] Life Forge


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Though I get the idea - I personally prefer the single trees below. Not that it looks bad; I just think this looks better.


On 1/1/2016 at 5:50 PM, Zetasis said:

Another Update. I have been working on the first village and have taken into consideration what you guys and others have said. Let me know if you think it looks better.






And for what it's worth - I think it looks good enough that you can let it out of your mind for a while to focus on other things. Come back to it when things are to your liking in other areas, you know? I only say that because I find myself doing the same things :P Focusing on something that is good enough and trying to refine it to the point of insanity.

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Well I havent completely decided yet but I may just end up doing the single trees in most areas and only using the canopy when it comes to very dense forest areas. Like I said though I haven't decided so there is always the possibility that I may end up just not using the canopy tiles at all. We shall see. Thanks for the feed back guys. It helps more then you know(i think).

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  • 1 month later...

So it has been a while since any updates have been made for Life Forge but that doesn't mean the game hasn't been under going development! Lots of new things have happened for Life Forge and I can't go over everything right now but I will let you guys know that there is now a team working on this game. Currently the team consist of Skywardriver, Benjo, and myself. We have made massive improvements to the game and I will be changing the OP sometime in the near future to include all the new and amazing features.


We are currently aiming to make a Halloween beta launch which will, hopefully, include some Halloween themed quests and Items. I'm not going to give away everything that is planned for this event but I will let you all in on one thing:



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Thanks for the kind words Grizzy! I am also pumped for this game. The whole team has been working like crazy and we have some really cool things in store. I'm not sure all the cool things will be out by beta but we're trying our hardest. :)

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Hey guys! So we've got some exciting stuff to share!

~In-Game Cash Shop~


A player can access the ingame shop by clicking the chest icon next the status bar!



Here is what the ingame shop currently looks like. Please keep in mind the look and style may change and we will also be adding more to the shop as well!


Before I go any further with this, those of us on the team want to make it abundantly clear: We are not, nor will we ever, sell power for cash. Cosmetics, Memberships, and Convenience are all we shall ever sell. Now then, with that business out of the way, let's talk about the feature! You may have played other games of this style and may have been annoyed to find that your purchases were merely put on a list for a dev or two to look through at the end of each day and deliver your purchases manually. We really didn't want to make players wait that long to receive their goods, so we put the cash shop right in the game! Purchases are delivered by our Server just moments after purchase! Be it a Membership, a World Blessing Item, or a Cosmetic, you'll get your items immediately!




We've made some major improvements to our old crafting system. Now you'll have to take your materials to stations and refine and craft there. Some recipes won't be displayed until you use a Recipe item and discover them! This lets us create rare recipe drops from tough enemies that, when read, allow you to craft some great gear! We can't wait to show you all what we have in store!

Our in-game content is growing by the day! Before too long we'll have enough to set up our IndieGoGo and Kickstarter Campaigns! We hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!



~Life Forge Wiki~


In the wiki we plan to have all items, monsters, recipes, etc... Check it out and let us know what you think!


Anywho, that's all for this Dev Log, lads and lasses. Sorry it's a short one! We'll have more and more news as the days go by!

~Life Forge Team


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  • 1 month later...
~Pre-Alpha Changes~
As some of you know, our Pre-Alpha wasn't perfect, as is the point of something like a Pre-Alpha. We Changed and fixed quite a bit since the closing of Pre-Alpha.
-Death System-
We know that some of you hated our Death System. As such, we're making some much needed changes. Now, upon death, you have 60 seconds to be resurrected, else you will be auto-respawned at your character's checkpoint. What we changed, however, is now you can respawn at any time during that 60 seconds by pressing the "V" key. A little prompt will come up as soon as you've been rekt by some Fungoids.
-Bug Fixes-
A big thanks again to all those who found bugs for us to fix! At this point we've fixed all bugs found during Pre-Alpha! This is great, because it means a more wholesome and fun experience for you all when we launch our Open Alpha!
Some of you noticed that there were 4 un-used equipment slots during Pre-Alpha. One of those was Gems!  Gems are key items for your character's build later during the game. Depending on the Gem Type and Color, you get a new Element applied to your character. Depending on your element and the element of your target, you could be dealing some massive damage!... or maybe face a little resistance. We hope to see this play a key role in PvP!
Yep, they're done! Also, with some code by Benjo, we have our buffs and debuffs display in a nice little format to the right of your screen! This can display a ton of buffs if need be! It shows the buff/debuff's name, icon, time remaining, and stat change!
~Backstab Spells~
We found that one of the biggest problems with previous games was the lack of balance in PvP. To us it just seemed as though ranged based characters were strictly better in PvP due to being able to kite from a safe distance. With our new spell type, Backstab, however, we now have good gap-closers for our melee characters. These spells will either warp you to the front or back of your target depending on the spell, and it can be designed to stun or deal flat damage as well! This means our melee players will be able to close that gap and get in a few good hits without being at a total loss against ranged players.
~Quest Improvements~
With a little genius programming we can now have Quests have a task to talk to specific events! This means we can actually have moving and intricate storylines with our quests now!
Anywho, that's it for now, guys! Until the next Dev Log - Sky


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Hey guys! Yet another Dev Log :D
Due to real life, our artist and Co-Developer Zetasis will be taking a break from Dev for a while. He may be able to do something here and there, but until things work themselves out, it'll be yours truly leading the charge into new Content. And on that note:
The Desert dwelling of Armistin, home to the Ember Knights, is being worked on extensively. This is the second settlement in Life Forge, and as such, it's gonna be very important.
And for those of you who wanted to know, this is what an Ember Knight looks like:
Anywho, that's it for right now! We can't wait to show you what's in-game now :D
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Hey guys!
So for this dev log, (it's gonna be small) we'll be talking about the Forgotten Spire!
This tower lies somewhere in the Duskin Desert, and requires a special item to get into. In the Forgotten Spire you'll find a great many things, but on a certain floor, you'll have the chance to obtain a flying Desert Roc mount:
Also, our exclusive Founder's Mount for all those who Pledge $15 or more to our upcoming Kickstarter (and any players who purchased Founder's Packs for any of our previous games) the Green Raptor:
All this and more awaits in the next Alpha Test, a date for which is coming soon!
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