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7 hours ago, jcsnider said:

I see now, its not really fully cross platform, but it is cross platform between pc's different OS's. Thanks :) and thanks Gibier. Ah sadly the editor isnt


Edit: Why do I care I use windows..... 


RE EDIT: Oh yah cause I wanted to run it on mobile lol, like if it could run on a webpage I could just make an apk that loads the webpage, but prolly not possible

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Technically, a mobile may be able to run the client or server. But not practically.


If you root a phone, you could possibly install mono or wine, allowing them to run the client or server. But a problem is there will be no touch screen support and so you need to plug in a keyboard and mouse using an adaptor.


I'm not sure how nicely mono or wine would run Intersect on a mobile though, or even at all. But it might be possible.

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