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Intersect Beta 4.8.1 Released! (Updated!)


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Intersect Beta 4.8.1 Released!

February 14th 2018



Moar bug fixes!


Bug Fixes/Problems Solved:

  • Bank errors when withdrawing items and storing bags.
  • Npc combat and targeting bugs
  • Global events not updating for players on maps that are being saved
  • Grapple hooks not working
  • Parties not showing players or crashing the client when viewing the party window
  • Z-Dimension level not saving
  • Quest editor cutting off the save/cancel buttons for some users
  • Event animations appearing randomly on maps that they shouldn't
  • Event animations not being set correctly via move routes
  • Npcs not casting spells
  • Projectiles harvesting resources when they shouldn't
  • So much more!



  • Parties can now see members in their party that are stealthed!



4.8.1 Mini Hotfix Release:

  • Fixed dots killing you after death or ending when killing enemies
  • Fixed npc attack animations not displaying
  • Fixed npc warp spells not warping
  • Fixed map sounds again
  • Fixed party chat strings & other misc strings
  • Stopped bags from stacking and errors resulting if that happened in your game
  • Fixed npcs moving and attacking while casting spells
  • and more!




Up Next

Beta 5 is on the way!



If you're already using 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, or 4.8 just download 4.8.1 and overwrite your .pdbs and .exes. :D



As always please keep in touch with us and report all bugs that you find!

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holy mother god :D, I'm using unity engine in my project but I'm seeing a huge advance in this engine that made me stop and reflect on what to use kkk I have so much to do and the engine here already spares me that effort. I will keep an eye on you, you guys are revolutionizing the 'world maker' in the orpg style. congratulations.

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