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[C#] CryBits v0.7.1


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Hey guys, how are you? As some of you know I'm Brazilian and the corona virus epidemic is coming here strongly. I'm not from a rich family and my mom sustain me and my bro alone and maybe in the coming months there a lack of resources at home. I know it must be difficult for you too, but I humbly come to share this donation button so that you can help me. Any value will be very welcome, with 2 dollars, for example, I can have a good lunch here. In return for that, I promise to bring even more news to CryBits. Thank you so much!




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  On 3/20/2020 at 4:00 PM, Whitespirits said:

Great job! It would be so good to see 8 direction movement in this engine, it improves combat for pvp and pve, not sure how hard it is to do but would love it to happen soon! 


I certainly intend to improve the combat and movement system in the next versions. The 8 direction movement is relatively simple to implement, I believe it can be implemented soon! I believe it can be implemented right after launching the new sprite system.


  On 3/21/2020 at 5:24 PM, Whitespirits said:

Hi @Ricardo I have donated to you, I hope this can help you, if I have any more spare funds I will donate more 


I am very very very grateful for that. This will help me a lot! Know that one of the reasons I continue with the project is because you are ALWAYS supporting me, thank you so much @Whitespirits

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Thank you very much for the suggestions guys! I plan to add these features in a later version. Soon I will make more roadmaps for future versions. For the next version I am following this roadmap. I will finalize the Sprite System and make many improvements to the code before releasing it. Thank you very much again for the support!!!! You motivate me to continue this ❀️ 

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  On 3/30/2020 at 3:15 PM, GabThiais said:


I impatiently await the sprite editor I was quite disappointed that they did not come out during v0.7.0 I hate to see that this is the last thing that remains to be added.



Patience is a virtue, Ricardo is working hard on his engine, little support would be better for the Dev...

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hi I was amaper on Crybit then I wanted to test the map that I made and I realized that there was no administrator interface so I couldn’t teleport in the map that I made the only way to go is to create a point of teleport or to make sure that the character during its creation is directly in this map sa will be although this interface is present for version 0.8.0

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For waiting you can use this if you want :


Server Source > Program.cs > public static void ExecuteCommand(string Command)


Add :

case "tp":
                byte Map;
                byte X;
                byte Y;

                // Verifica se o que estΓ‘ digitado corretamente
                if (Parts.GetUpperBound(0) < 4 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Parts[1]) || !Byte.TryParse(Parts[2], out Map ) || !Byte.TryParse(Parts[3], out X) || !Byte.TryParse(Parts[4], out Y))
                    Console.WriteLine("Use: tp 'Player Name' 'Map' 'X' 'Y' ");

                // Encontra o jogador
                Index = Player.FindUser(Parts[1]);

                if (Index == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("This player is either offline or doesn't exist.");

                // teleport player
                Player.Warp(Index, Map, X, Y);

                // Salva os dados
                Console.WriteLine(Parts[1] + "has been teleported.");


Then Server > Player.cs


Change :


Private static void Warp(byte Index, short Map, byte x, byte y)

For :


Public static void Warp(byte Index, short Map, byte x, byte y)


It's just a temp solution, but it's working.


In the server, type this for teleport :


tp accountname Map X Y



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys, how are you? Sorry for the disappearance, my college came back with online classes and it was consuming me a lot of time, in addition my mouse broke and I was unable to work on my computer, I bought a mouse today and it will arrive next week. As soon as I arrive I will return with the work, thank you so muchhhhhhhh!!!! :769_heart::769_heart::769_heart::769_heart:

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