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Graphics DragonBreeZee

Beefy Kasplant

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  • 2 weeks later...

What would you say that looks weird? I can see the red at the bottom, I will try to make that better. But any other places where you would like to see some shading? Maybe the lack of shadows is bothering you?

Something like this? I'm trying to keep shading to a minimum since it's extra work and Im trying to keep a simple style.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Haha. To tell you the truth, I really dislike the Ginyu Force IMO. But you can make whatever you want to make. Don't let me tell you not to make something. ;-)

I'd love to see a Lord Beerus kind-of-type breeze character.

Good luck!

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  • 2 months later...

Because some people (Kibblez) were complaining that my hairs lacked shading. I decided to get someone who is actually good in pixel art make the hairs for me.

Got my first sample in and I really like what he has done (Its Andiii who has a topic over at Eclipse). Very fair prices and pretty nice work I'd say:


He will do the Vegeta hair too, SSJ hairs for both and SSJ3 hairs.

Tell me what you guys think!

He also got one sprite ready from SSJ3. The hair is his. I just edited it slightly and gave the caveman eyebrows to my sprite.

I also (finally) added the famous Goku Gi:


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I thought so too! I also think that the better hairs make the clothes look better too as the overall sprite will be less bland.

I hope I can learn from this for sure. We will see ;)

Also this project is still very much alive, there is just not much to do while I wait for you guys.

But happy that you like it!

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  • 6 months later...

Not a big Dragonball fan my knowledge only extends to the Majin Buu saga since I stopped watching shounen in favour of seinen when I was like 13, so whilst I personally don't have any interest in playing, good job getting this far- why don't you team up with someone else who wants to make a Dragonball game? You'd get way more done.

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This is from right after the Freeza saga though. Probably only featured in 1 episode, so I guess not everyone knows about this outfit. 


I'm not teaming up because I don't have the time and motivation to actually release something in the near feature. I'd rather work on my sprites when I want to and see how far I get. 

Also, I have pretty detailed plans for what I would want the game to be, and I don't want to make concessions when it comes to that. 


Maybe in the future, if there is interest in my paperdolls I'll let other people use them for their game.



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  On 10/4/2016 at 6:36 PM, Kasplant said:

This is from right after the Freeza saga though. Probably only featured in 1 episode, so I guess not everyone knows about this outfit. 



It's what I thought. It's a nice outfit well done. It's the first game that I saw include it. Can  we expect a training on this planet to learn teleportation ?

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Thanks for the feedback guys! Happy you recognize the outfit, I guess Ill have to finish it! Yardrat is actually my favourite outfit, so I'm glad I was able to do it justice.


I also started work on a Beerus sprite since someone mentioned I should do that



Hoping to get some feedback! (And yes, he is fat, but remember! That's the style Im going for!)

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  On 10/5/2016 at 11:45 AM, Zetasis said:

Looks good. Only thing I feel it's missing is wrinkles but then again I'm not sure if you could do that with the limited space on the sprite. 



Yeah, it could use some more detail. To be honest though, I'm not that into super. Wrinkles and stuff is hard with the limited space indeed. I did this to try to add some more detail and make him look a bit more menacing (as far as making someone look menacing is possible with this chibi style)




Or maybe this one, changed the head shape so it would look more like Beerus' head shape:




Curious to see what you think!


  On 10/5/2016 at 12:04 PM, Gibier said:

Will do you do his brother of the universe 11(or 10/12 don't remember) ?



I might, but I'm afraid it's going to be hard to make them look much different, I do not want to change the body shapes because of the paperdolls. I want players to be able to wear and mix parts of every outfit ingame.

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