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Intersect Beta 4.6 Released!


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Intersect Beta 4.6 Released!

November 20th 2017



Moar bug fixes!


Bug Fixes/Problems Solved:

  • Maps failing to load/crashing entering the game
  • Long pause when closing the client/server.
  • Fixed "None" value when using Intersect in different languages.
  • Removed condition that attacks must do at least 1 damage. (Guards with 0 damage won't hurt players now)
  • Fixed item description window quantity not updating
  • Fixed item name not showing up when hovering over equipment
  • Fixed map sounds playing at 100% audio before maps loaded completely
  • Removed ability to attack friendly npcs and for friendly npcs to get angry
  • Fixed event pathfinding when common events were running
  • Fixed npcs not being able to fire projectiles.
  • and more!



  • Database backup system! -- Backups your database on launch and every 2 hours thereafter.
    • Backups can be found in Server/Resources/Backups
    • Options for how many backups to keep, how often to backup, etc coming in Beta 5!




Up Next

Beta 5 is on the way!



If you're already using 4.3, 4.4, or 4.5 just download 4.6 and overwrite your .exes. :D



As always please keep in touch with us and report all bugs that you find!

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there will be a label for a global currency instead of inventory currency only?. because i know there can be many currencies for different shops. but you gonna can be able to set one as "default" and show it as a label instead a item?

Because big currencies makes the text number looks weird in a single inventory space...



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<? xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>  XML document with Polish characters in element names and Attributes (ą ć ę łń ó ś ż). The Polish diacritic characters are unfortunately less privileged and occupy two bytes and belong to the Latin Extended-A group . 

Server does not read Polish letters

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