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Intersect Hosting Solutions - Easiest way to host your games!


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  • 2 weeks later...

If someone were to use an expensive server that was like $1000 a month (like amazon servers), would it be possible to support a high player count or does this engine have a cap on how many concurrent online players it can support? When i say high player count i mean like close to 1k online.

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Cost of server does not always equate to power of server... someone could charge you $1000/month for a server that only supports 10 players online at a time.


That said.. the engine has handled 300 online using Beta 6.2.... and a very large chunk of the work put into Beta 7 were massive performance boosts.


We do not know what the current limits are (1k might be possible already). Whenever games get that large we can run profilers to find any code that is bottlenecking our logic and optimize further.

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OK thank you for the answer JC. Ill most likely end up using ur $50 service when im going into alpha and beta testing, i was just wondering about the long term capability, but it seems u guys havent had a chance to test higher than 300 players which is understandable of course. Just trying to get as much info as i can about the engine because in my opinion its absolutely amazing and i could see myself going all in on development with it. Cheers! 

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  On 4/20/2022 at 5:19 AM, jcsnider said:

Cost of server does not always equate to power of server... someone could charge you $1000/month for a server that only supports 10 players online at a time.


That said.. the engine has handled 300 online using Beta 6.2.... and a very large chunk of the work put into Beta 7 were massive performance boosts.


We do not know what the current limits are (1k might be possible already). Whenever games get that large we can run profilers to find any code that is bottlenecking our logic and optimize further.


Another question i have is, since all servers cap eventually, would it be possible to host, say, 3 different servers of my games current version? Like have 3 different clients to download on my website (since the current client can only connect to 1 server) that each connect to a separately hosted server?

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People couldn't server hop or anything with the same characters/accounts right now, and it would come with the larger amount of time/effort to maintain 3 servers but sure -- you'd just copy out the game dbs to all 3 servers whenever you want to deploy updates, and that would help balance your load if you run into limits.


The listed tiers are also not all that is available, those are just what most people need/want. I've had people also want fully dedicated servers where your game gets a whole physical server to itself. In that case you could run multiple copies of your game on super machine or run a single game server will a ton of processing power. That route would be a better price to performance deal than several of the $50/month servers I offer but there are complexities.

  • Up-front setup fees from whoever the server is leased from (I recommend OVH or SoYouStart)
  • A day or two of time required for me to setup, secure, and configure the server for the web control panel + automated backups
  • Very little leniency on late payments. (2-3 days before full deletion instead of 30 like the lower tiers)
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  • 10 months later...

Hey everyone, quick update.  I've increased ram allocation and cpu performance across all tiers and regions at the same prices. Should out preform other vps hosts with the added benefits of working out of the box, no security/firewall management, reverse proxy pre-configured for api access, automated nightly backups and all the other good perks of hosting from a datacenter like ddos protection, ridiculous uptime, etc


These updates also apply retroactively for all current customers.


If you're looking for hosting or fed up with your current host check out the updated packages/specs at the links below


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  • 7 months later...

We're experiencing some network issues today due to an issue with our host (OVH).


This problem is impacting all NA servers and the control panel.


I apologize for the inconvenience to those impacted today. 


I will follow up once this has past with an update on the situation and I'll do my best to make it up to you all.

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  • 9 months later...
  • Hello, I am having issues running the server from the hosting platform. I used this service last year and had no issues , but strangely, the server runs fine after reinstalling with the default intersect server it pulls, but that file when downloaded doesn't pop up as an Exe. I've followed the steps you posted exactly and seem to be continuously running into the same issue. These are fresh files from the most previous updated version of intersect as well.

Error when using my own server files alone


Server files directory


Server File that DOES run after reinstalling default server configs from the platform. Like you would get from a fresh start with no uploads.


Any ideas?

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  On 8/16/2024 at 10:44 PM, Bloodymage said:
  • Hello, I am having issues running the server from the hosting platform. I used this service last year and had no issues , but strangely, the server runs fine after reinstalling with the default intersect server it pulls, but that file when downloaded doesn't pop up as an Exe. I've followed the steps you posted exactly and seem to be continuously running into the same issue. These are fresh files from the most previous updated version of intersect as well.

Error when using my own server files alone


Server files directory


Server File that DOES run after reinstalling default server configs from the platform. Like you would get from a fresh start with no uploads.


Any ideas?



Hey there. Since Beta 8 launched we have separate builds for Linux/Windows and Mac.


You need to download the 'Linux' server and upload that to the hosting platform and delete 'Intersect Server.exe'.


The Linux server will talk to your windows clients/editors just like normal.


You can download the Linux builds here with all the other releases, be sure to select the version that matches your client: https://github.com/AscensionGameDev/Intersect-Engine/tags

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