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WIP Veridian


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August 2018 Dev log


Veridian has gone under some major changes this month from a new class system to lots of items plus some added extras!


  • The New Class system! Veridian now has 3 classes (Warrior,Mage,Ranger) Each with strengths and weakness but can all play through Veridian solo or in a party. That being said there will be some events or bosses that may need a party to take down to enforce team work.
  • New Items! Veridian now has a Dungeon and dragon's style item system with the ability to find either +1(Lower quality) to +5(Perfect quality) Versions of all equip able items! This add variety and an encouragement for those "Completest" or players that want that "Perfect" build your going to want to find the best quality of each of the items.
  • Extras! I added a drinking event in the game triggered by drinking alcohol. It doesn't effect anything really besides message updates to how drunk your character is for role play purposes. I also added quest/event indicators above quest givers or certain events to help guide the players.
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Yeah I am actually! Instead of staffs like most games use for mages I am using spell books. In Veridian the way magic works is using incantations which is why I thought of spell books. There is a quest in the game where you actually recite in incantation to bring you into the spirit realm which I plan to use things like that a lot when dealing with "Magical" things inside of Veridian.

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Random Events!

Veridian now has a working Random Event system! While playing through Veridian Random Events can be triggered in any town/village/castle. Currently in Norn Faldir I have a chance for Rats,Dragons or a Giant Bug to invade so players will have to work together to take down what ever enemy maybe trying to destroy Norn Faldir!


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Fishing and Enchanting!


Veridian now has Fishing/Cooking and Enchanting! Players can now sit back and fish using the new item"Fishing Spear" which will allow you to fish in certain spots then cook your fish to make a hearty meal. Along with fishing, Enchanting has been added to make crafting more important so crafters can now enchant any "Basic" gear all the way up to +5 given that they have the needed enchanting stones.


Also updated the Original Post to look nicer and include some more things!





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  • 5 weeks later...


-I have been updating a lot of little things in Veridian such as making houses/stores close down at night time, more NPC interactions and some cut scenes.

-Also fixed a lot of bugs and continue to fix bugs as players report them. Basically have been building and fix upon what we have before moving forward with adding new areas.

-Added more items to the game

-Added more quests


Veridian is changing and updating daily so come check out the discord channel. https://discord.gg/nKxJUm7


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  • 2 months later...

Skill system:



Finally finished my skill system for Veridian! I already have it implemented with Items/crafting stations. I aalways wanted a skill system because I love the idea of gaining experience in what the player puts work into. It creates a teamwork build community of players, Say you only like to fight and kill stuff well that's great and all but your going to need some good equipment that's where a player who likes to craft comes in. Ideas like that are what always made me want a skill system. I however did not follow the whole level 99 cap all other games with skill systems tend to follow. I am capping the skills at level 10. It will be a bit hard to get to level 10 though so you will still have to work for it but that gives the players something to do while waiting for new content and such.


Thanks for your time and hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

New Graphic Style:


Hello Everyone! I know I have been quite a for awhile. This is partly due to me going back to school and not being able to post anything new due to running into bugs that kept crashing the client. After running into a few of those bugs which seemed to deal with me using the higher quality graphics which run at a bigger size then the standard 32x32 Intersect was built for. I had to make a hard decision to start over with new graphics. There are many options out there but after looking i have finally settled with our new graphics style using the "Time Fantasy" graphics. I know a few others on here use them but it was the same story with the old graphics. Either way I hope everyone will be okay with the new style! Time Fantasy actually has alot of resources that I plan to take advantage of that the old graphics never had and I'm quite excited about that.


Okay no more talking about  it let's show some examples of the new Veridian!





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  • 2 weeks later...

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