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New Intersect Website [WIP]:

I've always wanted a website that could act as an information database about Intersect. Some of the goals for a new website are outlined below:

  • News/Updates could easily be found/absorbed.
  • Offer a long page quickly explaining all of the engine features
  • Have a full set of documentation on how to use every aspect of the engine
  • Pages where we can share resources that developers can use in their games
  • Finally, a showcase games created by our members that we can promote


I've been sharing links in the shoutbox over the past couple of days, but now that the site is starting to come together I wanted to show it off, accept some new ideas and constructive criticism. 


The following pages are (mostly done):




  • Clean up design, fill in missing media.

The new site is now live and can be found at its official home:


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4 hours ago, CharmingClyde said:

Question,  what would be the requirements to have our games up on the site?


Great question. We still have to put some thought into this.


Random thoughts, but not set in stone.




Short term the requirements will be

  • Must be an established project
  • Must have gone through at least one round of public testing
  • Cannot be a fan based game or use illegal content. (Looking at those using rpg maker graphics)
  • Must be in active development with constant updates or already available to play

Long term requirements:

  • Hopefully the page will be full of nothing but ready/available to play games



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  • 2 weeks later...

New site is online and ready to visit! 




Learn all about Intersects' features now:


More changes are coming down the line, there are several places where we can improve our design, especially when it comes to hyperlink colors. A few images/videos are coming soon but this is so much better than what we had :)


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2 hours ago, Skaveron said:

Some of the lightboxes don't seem to load properly when clicking an image? It just shows a spinner.


1 hour ago, pLeet said:

I'm in love with the new website, great work team !

But when I click on some images I got a 404 error :/ (for example : Panoramas & Overlays images).


Hey guys, thanks for the heads up!  I was tricked by my PC caching everything. Are they fixed now? If not, can you tell me the locations where stuff is broken? Thanks so much!

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1 hour ago, jcsnider said:

Hey guys, thanks for the heads up!  I was tricked by my PC caching everything. Are they fixed now? If not, can you tell me the locations where stuff is broken? Thanks so much!



Yup, seems fine now.

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