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Open Beta Undertale MMO (NOW ONLINE)


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I support it 100% There are other undertale fangames and mmo's but ive been looking for one in one of these engines.
I was going to make my own but i was too lazy to make the tileset from scratch ._.

Do you mind if i use the texture's you posted here? They are amazing!
I will go subscribe to your youtube now~~~

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BAD NEWS... IM GOING TO CLOSE THE PROJECT, Im scared of use this for money pruposes, because the graphics and sound are by toby fox, if someone want the server with the maps, dialogs animations

all the resources. i can give them, if someone donates me a little for my work i will be happy.

Sorry to everyone.

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  On 8/12/2017 at 3:35 PM, PhenomenalDitto said:

@jesusbleach Toby has said before that he doesn't mind people using his sprites in fan games and things and he's not the kinda guy to dmca things.


yea, its so? but i still cant host the server if someone take care of the project im sure i will happy but i cant take it by myself....

and i dont want to sell it like a crazy, i just want a donation for maping hard and prepare resources and configure. isnt a easy task... for those people i offer a copy of the server

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  On 8/14/2017 at 7:37 AM, jesusbleach said:

well if you like it... but i advice i cant spend money on it ok? i only will progress ok?


I reopen the progress

if someone help it will be awesome.

thanks to all for motivation


Im still DETERMINED filled10.gif_emote11.gifcharal10.gif


i will ask to toby in twitter, if he dont care i will do my best work as i can _emote11.gif


I dont get a true answer of my mail but i see an supposed answer of toby to other person(i have nothing to prove if this image is real)


at least, i cant put any history of the real game...



and if i continue i dont have where host it.... im trying to stay determined filled10.gif but... i have to think and take this with CARE and SLOWLY

1.At first i cant sell it (obiously i never wanted sell it, in all case to other fan who gonna continue the project, send me a little donation for my hard work(is more hard than you think))

2.I have to put out all music and replace by other without copyright

3.Make clear for new people this is just an unnoficial fangame.

4.im still scared. so i have to be reflexive and how mantain the server open? I HAVE NO IDEA and i think nobody goes mantain this open for me...
for now the project is stuck to new advice


i dont know if continue or create a project from 0 from other ideas i got, they are a little generic but... Also you love them more than this project...


thanks to all..

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  On 8/14/2017 at 5:51 PM, Damian666 said:

1: duh..


2: seeing he sells the album, makes perfect sense

yea i know, is not really a problem

3: that should be something you do anyway.

yea, just put it under logo

4: first finish a large part of the game, then look for someone to host it.

yea... but not easy, and if i do a hard work of the game and no one want host it? i eat the files with potatoes?

i dont care do the official web in this moment but thanks, also a emprise for who i work can let me a hosting and a domain for free.


And thanks a lot for answer :(


I dont gonna say anything. I think this post explain all.

Have a nice day

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I uploaded a test with the

  On 9/15/2017 at 3:45 PM, Damian666 said:

good for you man


thanks man, i uploaded a client with the 4.2 version of intersect of my game


it havent ip , i have to give it to you because i havent a dns, i just have dynamic ip(and i forgot put the logo.png xD) but well is just a test version

put this ip on the config should be working for today

please play someone, im scared to put this project in other sites(almost for now)

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