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I'm getting a console for my new apartment so me and my roommate can play together, help me decide what I should get... (I still play PC games too, but this thread is for consoles)

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Personally I think any console comes down to the games, so really I would figure out what types of games you guys want to play and then see what console offers it. I find Xbox one has a lot of awesome built in stuff like LFG and good party and chat options for friends. PS4 is going to have a lot more RPGS and generally has more of a indie selection. PS4 controllers tend to die super quickly which is lame. 


Really it doesnt matter, they will both work. More people have PS4's so if you want a better chance of playing with randoms that is your best bet. I personally prefer xbox but that doesnt really mean much. 


Or just buy both like I did. 

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13 minutes ago, PhenomenalDitto said:

@JimmyElectron Check the exclusives like the Crash Remaster and Sunset Overdrive and go off that.

Not a fan of Crash but wanted to try sunset overdrive


4 minutes ago, pandacoder said:

Or get a Sweetch Swootch because Arms, Breath of the Wild and Splatoon 2 are 12/10.


Can we please get a dislike button?

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11 minutes ago, pandacoder said:

Why the hate for the Switch? It has more exclusives worth playing than the Xbone.



Xbox One  or  PS4 was the title of the thread.


My vote is for Xbox. After reading this awhile back I want Sony to go under. 


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33 minutes ago, PhenomenalDitto said:

@JimmyElectron Sunset overdrive is a great game :P (also the xbox one has tons of free apps and stuff like netflix and the bluray/dvd player).


Pretty sure the ps4 already have those features it would be stupid to don't have them on the ps4 if they are in the ps3

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1 hour ago, jcsnider said:


Xbox One  or  PS4 was the title of the thread.


My vote is for Xbox. After reading this awhile back I want Sony to go under. 


I already contributed by saying PS4 — Crusty didn't comment like he did because it was off topic, he just has unjustified hatred towards the Switch because it's not a power hungry limited PC in a tiny box like the other two.


1 hour ago, PhenomenalDitto said:

@JimmyElectron Sunset overdrive is a great game :P (also the xbox one has tons of free apps and stuff like netflix and the bluray/dvd player).

PS4 has all of those extras and it isn't Microshit.

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8 minutes ago, PhenomenalDitto said:

@pandacoder So Sony with their no console mods and no crossplay policy are better?

No crossplay? FF14 and Rocket League are both crossplay games with PC. Xbone doesn't have the former, and it got the latter way later than the PS4 (and doesn't have crossplay with the PS4).

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17 minutes ago, PhenomenalDitto said:

No crossplay with other consoles whilst xbox one has it for a few games and console mods are here now and are better on the xbox one.

Other consoles? You mean it doesn't have crossplay with the Xbone? If it doesn't have crossplay with the Xbone, the Xbone clearly doesn't have crossplay with it. No idea what other consoles you could be referring to, aside from Nintendo's consoles.


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1 hour ago, pandacoder said:

I already contributed by saying PS4 — Crusty didn't comment like he did because it was off topic, he just has unjustified hatred towards the Switch because it's not a power hungry limited PC in a tiny box like the other two.


PS4 has all of those extras and it isn't Microshit.

I didn't comment because i've been working all day... Nah, i'm just not into nintendo's new shit. pokemon is way too easy now, and they keep screwing it up. X and Y, Alpha Sapphire, Sun and Moon, all horrible. I hate the 3D zelda games, no joke, even ocarina of time and majora's mask... The only 3D zelda game i liked was twilight princess. Splatoon seems like fun, but I honestly don't care enough about it to convince me to buy a switch. I'm done with Nintendo. I'll just stick to my GBC and SNES.


1 hour ago, PhenomenalDitto said:

No crossplay with other consoles whilst xbox one has it for a few games and console mods are here now and are better on the xbox one.

I honestly don't care about mods or crossplay...

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3 minutes ago, Damian666 said:

both suck, switch is better lolz xD


ok, done trolling :P

    print("Get the fuck out.");


I think i'm gonna go with the PS4, I like their social interface and PSN plans better than XBox Live's.


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