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Server Manager


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Hello developers!

Some days ago i wanna try my Java skills, so i made this.

For any engine you use, or any gender of game you make, there is always problem when you release a game: Anytime your server can crash, and in the worst situation, you're not at home.


You cant leave your players alone, and you cant close the game without seeing that error message for fixing it later.

Sure you can use Team Viewer, but in some cases you don't have much internet speed or limit (Cause Team Viewer consume it a lot).

So to resolve that, i've made an app for android that can check your server status, and also restart it if doesn't, using low internet costs.

Here is the Server Manager!




How to use

  1. Extract the rar file on your server folder
  2. Open the config.ini file
  3. Configure the executable name and put your server port
  4. Open the Server Manager.bat
  5. Enter the Server Manager App folder
  6. Send the apk for your android device
  7. Install it
  8. Configure with your connection information


Patch Notes

  • Version 1.0
    • Check server status button
    • Restart server button






If you like it, leave a comment with suggestions for future releases! ;) 


If you love it, Make a donation!

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1 hour ago, Kibbelz said:

Really cool man, I made something like this for intersect a while back. Just a console log application though. The fact that it can be done on your mobile via java is a huge bonus.

Wow awesome! :o 

Soon i'll release the source so you can use it for Intersect if you want! It will be a pleasure to help :)

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