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Intersect Beta 3 Released!

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5 hours ago, Kibbelz said:

The only 8 direction graphic sets im aware of that can be used comercially are the reiner tiles that @Ambard and @Agoraphobic used for Ambardia and Laberinth Hearts respectively.

There are tons of 8 directional sprites out there. Space ships and vehicles being some of those. This engine is so much more now than just little game maker people running around.

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First wanna say lots of cool features excited to possibly use it in the future, and I'm back...again :P

Secondly, I found an issue with the Intersect Editor. The Class Editor shoots an error at ya, stating something about '0' being invalid for property "Value"

Basically, I clicked "New Class" and after clicking on the newly created class this error pops up.


Here's a pic of the error.




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9 minutes ago, Render said:

First wanna say lots of cool features excited to possibly use it in the future, and I'm back...again :P

Secondly, I found an issue with the Intersect Editor. The Class Editor shoots an error at ya, stating something about '0' being invalid for property "Value"

Basically, I clicked "New Class" and after clicking on the newly created class this error pops up.


Here's a pic of the error.




Could you please make a bug report here so we can keep track of it?: https://www.ascensiongamedev.com/community/bug_tracker/intersect/

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