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Where would I go to learn the most about C#?



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Here's a good starting point

You'll be learning C# from various different sources, whether they be guides, video tutorials, asking questions on stackoverflow, reading questions on stackoverflow or simply asking a friend.

You should be taking time learning the very basics before jumping ahead and wanting to try things like making games and screwing around with source projects, learning the basics and syntax of C# is very easy and fun and doesn't take very long.

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To put this bluntly (being on my phone) I don't think you'll find one specific link to learn everything about C# that you'll want to know in a simple manner. The .Net framework is massive and while there's plenty of decent tutorials to get you started the more specific things on how to work for specific projects are really up to you, your ability to comprehend the code provided and your willingness to search the internet for explanations on libraries, the classes provided and possibly some stackoverflow topics on what to do in certain situations. And don't just read the first thing that pops up, read several and pick which seems the most efficient/sensible to you. The first answer is rarely the best answer on the internet.

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All the C# knowledge you could ever ask for

In all seriousness, like Chronos said, there is no single link. I've been using C# for around 6 years now and I've barely scratched the surface of "C#" despite covering more or less the entirety of the syntax. C#, like many well-designed languages, can be used for so many different things, and as a result "most knowledge" is a bad attribute to look for. What you want is the most information for a specific topic, and in that case Google is where you want to start looking. You'll get links to source examples, StackOverflow, MSDN and more, and it's only when you enter queries about what you're actually looking for that you get the knowledge you seek, and you generally (I say this because I've worked with some things that have very little coverage given how obscure they are) will find it.

If you have no experience or knowledge of C# whatsoever, but have some programming understanding, I would go here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/67ef8sbd.aspx
Pretty sure given your question that you do not, so instead I'd probably look here: https://mva.microsoft.com/en-US/training-courses/c-fundamentals-for-absolute-beginners-16169?l=Lvld4EQIC_2706218949

Really even after all of this you need to be researching object oriented theory and building your understanding of what it is, how it works, and why it works. Just understanding how to write simple inheritance doesn't really mean you understand inheritance, or how to make the best use of it.

Programming is a beast. It's not a beast to fear, but there's no singular resource, just like there's no singular compendium of knowledge for any difficult and rapidly evolving field.

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Following on from @Chronos and @SPQR Panda I have only been using c# for about half a year before Intersect. Fundamentally most programming languages are the same by general logic flow. Mainly its just syntax changes, libraries and what not. When learning a new language I generally have an end goal (in my case it was a project for University). I started by deciding what I need to start on and I then would google how to even make a function in C# (for syntax) then I would memorise how to do it and use it later on. How I perceive learning a new language is gaining knowledge as you construct your project. I would highly advise against doing this if this is your first ever language but if you're a competent programmer thats how I usually advise transferring languages. Even now I still occasionally google search how to do something specific in C#, there is no "mastery" of any modern language since its so diverse.

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