I've been playing around making levels all day and then after the server crashed tried to restart it only for it to tell me that it can't start and to look into the error txt file.
Here is the full error file the server is giving me back and quite frankly I have no idea where to start with this. Only making a game for me and some friends so far to play around in.
Message :Tried to load one or more null game objects!
Tried to load null value for index 2 of items
Tried to load null value for index 3 of items
StackTrace : Â bei Intersect_Server.Classes.Core.Database.LoadGameObjects(GameObject type) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Database.cs:Zeile 1633.
  bei Intersect_Server.Classes.Core.Database.LoadAllGameObjects() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Database.cs:Zeile 1384.
  bei Intersect_Server.Classes.Core.Database.InitDatabase() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Database.cs:Zeile 199.
  bei Intersect_Server.Classes.MainClass.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Main.cs:Zeile 60.
Date :24.12.2016 14:26:16
EDIT:Â I managed to narrow it down removing all the other errors that seem to have been there long before but not causing issues. The one pasted above is whats not letting the server start.
I've been playing around making levels all day and then after the server crashed tried to restart it only for it to tell me that it can't start and to look into the error txt file.
Here is the full error file the server is giving me back and quite frankly I have no idea where to start with this. Only making a game for me and some friends so far to play around in.
Message :Tried to load one or more null game objects!
Tried to load null value for index 2 of items
Tried to load null value for index 3 of items
StackTrace : Â bei Intersect_Server.Classes.Core.Database.LoadGameObjects(GameObject type) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Database.cs:Zeile 1633.
  bei Intersect_Server.Classes.Core.Database.LoadAllGameObjects() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Database.cs:Zeile 1384.
  bei Intersect_Server.Classes.Core.Database.InitDatabase() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Database.cs:Zeile 199.
  bei Intersect_Server.Classes.MainClass.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\Intersect-Engine\Intersect Server\Classes\Core\Main.cs:Zeile 60.
Date :24.12.2016 14:26:16
EDIT:Â I managed to narrow it down removing all the other errors that seem to have been there long before but not causing issues. The one pasted above is whats not letting the server start.
Any help is appreciated.
intersect db.zip
Edited by D4NNarrowed down error & attached DB file
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