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assets Intersect Demo Graphics


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10 minutes ago, Zetasis said:

So are you aiming for a vx style?

That would be a yes and a no, I'm trying to make everything compatible with VX and MV, but for the demo I might add a few other touches [mostly shading related], because I want the demo to have its own look, the tileset will be released for free but not with those "touches" I mentioned.

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These look really good, I hope you get around to making a good set that people can actually use to make a game with rather than a half done set with a limited resource pool. But I know as much as the next person its very hard to commit to something long term, especially for free. I look forward to seeing more :)

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  • 1 month later...

I hope to finish everything somewhere in February, my cancer is back and I hope you guys will understand, the current progress is somewhere at 80%, no more sneakpeeks, gonna post them at 100% progress.


I think there is no rush, tested the beta 1 and seemed pretty early to make a decent game with it, dunno bout other betas, hope they're much better.

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