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Kamus started following [Tutorial] Crear un item que te cambie el nombre
"Como hacer un item que te cambie de nombre" ¿Qué vamos a necesitar? 1 Variable de jugador para almacenar el nombre 1 Evento Común (que se ejecutará cuando se use el item) 1 Item (podés ponerle el nombre que quieras) Paso 1: Iremos al editor de variables y vamos a crear una variable de jugador del tipo TEXTO (como se ve en la foto de acá abajo) Paso 2: Iremos al editor de eventos comunes y crearemos un evento vacío y lo llamaremos como querramos (este se ejecutará cada vez que se use el item) Trabajaremos en este evento después Paso 3: Vamos al editor de items y crearemos nuestro item con las siguientes especificaciones: Tipo: Evento Evento: El que creamos en el paso 2 (le añadimos que se destruya al usar) Paso 4: 1) Ingresamos una variable de entrada con los siguientes detalles Título: "Cambio de nombre" Texto: "Escribe el nombre que deseas" Variable de jugador: (y acá cargamos la que hicimos en el Paso 1) Longitud: acá los límites los ponen ustedes - Longitud mínima: Cantidad mínima de letras que podrá tener el nombre - Longitud máxima: Cantidad máxima de letras que podrá tener el nombre Le dan al OK y seguimos. 2) Damos doble clic y ponemos "Cambiar nombre Jugador" y desde la variable creada en el Paso 1 cargamos el valor 3) Acá metemos un mensaje de error en caso de que el nombre ya exista y devolvemos el item (porque si no pudiste crearte el nombre, lo lógico es que te devuelvan el item hasta que pueda ser correctamente usado) 4) Acá metemos un mensaje de error, longitud no aceptada, caracteres no válidos, etc y devolvemos el item (porque si no pudiste crearte el nombre, lo lógico como dijimos arriba, es que se te devuelva el item hasta que puedas cambiarte correctamente el nombre) Paso 5: Disfrutar el item Espero les sirva el tutorial~ (Tutorial a pedido de Faller)
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Alice Moretti joined the community
Help Knightmarish Games Continue Creating
Agoraphobic replied to Agoraphobic's topic in General Discussion
Thank you, I appreciate the love and support! -
Agoraphobic reacted to a post in a topic: Help Knightmarish Games Continue Creating
Help Knightmarish Games Continue Creating
Ainz Ooal Gown replied to Agoraphobic's topic in General Discussion
Good luck buddy, I hope you get a new laptop/PC soon and get back to development -
Haljax428 joined the community
Building a Free Library of Images for Everyone
Eric Matyas replied to Eric Matyas's topic in Resources
Greetings Fellow Creatives, Brand new fantasy brick textures are ready for your projects. You'll find them here: TXR - BRICK - TILE-ABLE Thousands of more textures are here: These images are 100% free to use in your projects with attribution, just like my other 7000+ images, music tracks and sounds. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT SOUNDIMAGE If you can, please consider supporting my efforts. Here are some ways you can: Thanks in advance...and, as always, please stay safe and keep being creative. :-) -
Buenas, hoy les quiero enseñar cómo modificar el tamaño de la interfaz de usuario. Si quieren crear su propia interfaz a su gusto y con el tamaño que deseen, este método les será de gran ayuda. Además, permitirá mostrar mejor su equipamiento y facilitará la tarea de conseguir o crear imágenes para su juego. Intersect Engine maneja un modelo de equipo con medidas de 32x32 píxeles, y con estas modificaciones podrán agrandar esos iconos e imágenes al tamaño que prefieran, sin perder calidad. Aquí les dejo un ejemplo que realicé Lo primero que deben hacer en dirigirse a cliente\resources\gui\layouts\game aqui vamos a buscar el archivo llamado CharacterWindow y lo abren. Cuando abran el archivo, lo verán en el lado izquierdo. Aquí vamos a modificar los Bounds, que son elementos clave de la interfaz de usuario y controlan su tamaño y posición. En la imagen del lado derecho se muestran todos los Bounds que vamos a modificar. Al abrir el archivo, el primer texto que aparece es: "Bounds": "658,368,600,600" Este parámetro representa el tamaño y la posición de la interfaz. Ahora, ¿qué significa cada número? 658: Representa la posición horizontal de la imagen. Si reduces este valor (ejemplo: 600), la imagen se moverá hacia la izquierda. Si lo aumentas (ejemplo: 680), la imagen se desplazará hacia la derecha. Conclusión: Cuanto menor sea el número, más a la izquierda estará la imagen; cuanto mayor, más a la derecha. 368: Representa la posición vertical de la imagen. Si aumentas el valor (ejemplo: 370), la imagen se moverá hacia abajo. Si lo reduces (ejemplo: 350), la imagen se desplazará hacia arriba. 600,600: Representan el ancho y el alto de la imagen, respectivamente. Si está en 600x600, significa que la imagen tendrá ese tamaño. Modificación de otros elementos de la interfaz Ahora que comprendemos los Bounds, busquemos los siguientes textos en el archivo (mostrados en la imagen de la derecha) para modificarlos: SpeedLabel: Representa el texto de la velocidad. DefenseLabel: Corresponde a la defensa. IncreaseDefenseButton: Representa los botones de "+" para repartir puntos al subir de nivel. Se recomienda mantenerlos en 10x10 de tamaño. EquipmentItem0, EquipmentItem1, EquipmentItem2, etc.: Representan la ropa y equipamiento del personaje. Aquí pueden modificar el tamaño de las imágenes para que se vean más detalladas. En mi caso, utilizo un tamaño de 80x120 para que luzcan como en la primera imagen de arriba. Ustedes pueden elegir el tamaño que prefieran. EquipmentIcon (no está en la imagen, pero es importante mencionarlo): Se encuentra debajo de cada EquipmentItem y representa el icono del equipo que lo rodea. Deben modificar sus Bounds para que sean del mismo tamaño o más grandes que el equipo, asegurando que sean visibles. ExtraBuff: Representa el texto de los beneficios adicionales. Recomendaciones finales Después de modificar los Bounds, guarden los cambios y prueben en el cliente. Les sugiero modificar un Bounds a la vez y verificar en el juego cómo afecta la interfaz. Así podrán ajustar cada elemento de manera precisa hasta lograr el diseño deseado. Por último, si desean modificar completamente la interfaz con un diseño personalizado, deben reemplazar la imagen character en la siguiente ruta: Cliente\resources\gui Sustituyan esa imagen por su propio diseño, asegurándose de que tenga las medidas adecuadas para su interfaz. Con estos ajustes, podrán personalizar completamente la interfaz de usuario de su juego en Intersect Engine. ¡Espero que les sea útil! Espero les sirva de ayuda esta guía pronto subiré muchas mas.
Garus56 joined the community
Ainz Ooal Gown reacted to a post in a topic: Help Knightmarish Games Continue Creating
Agoraphobic started following Help Knightmarish Games Continue Creating
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Many of you have known me since the beginning of Intersect (or even before), and I have always tried to help everyone. I kinda find myself needing a bit of help if possible. As some of you know I have been using an ancient laptop (15ish years) that has finally died. As an indie dev, I always back up my projects so nothing was lost; however, I am unable to work consistently on my projects now. Game development for me is a therapeutic hobby that I devote at least 4 hours a day doing. It centers me and is what I do for my downtime. I let people know that I would be pausing my project until I was able to afford to get a new computer in the future (as it was going to be a while since I'm putting my daughter through college and helping my son prep for his baby). I have been needing a new computer for a long time, but it was one of things that I had to put the needs of my family first over my hobby so I kept pushing it back. I'm currently using an old busted laptop someone let me use but it is not long for this world. I simply can't be selfish and drop the money in its entirety to get a budget pc because of reasons listed above. I have had several people message me asking to donate to support me as an indie dev and encouraged me to do a gofundme as I wasn't going to even ask (just wait until college was over). I'm hoping through some donations it would help me be able to lessen that burden of what I need to spend to get one. If you want to support me as an indie dev you may donate here: to help me get a budget pc. If you decide to donate, please do so only if it would not cause any financial hardship on you. I normally wouldn't even ask; however, the amount of people wanting to show their support to me as an indie dev has been humbling and inspiring. I am truly thankful for everyone no matter if you show your support through a donation, just encouraging me, or just showcasing your amazing game and supporting this community. I appreciate your time and consideration. ~Jamie
Brakdis started following [Server] Profanity Filter
POST ACTUALIZADO! Traducciones para la versión: B0.8.0.535! Ya disponible!
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.535 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.534 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.533 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.532 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.531 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.530 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.529 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.528 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2000 Tracks
Eric Matyas replied to Eric Matyas's topic in Resources
Hi Everyone, I've created and uploaded some brand new music tracks to share with the community: "PIXEL BALLOONS" "PIXEL BALLOONS_v1" "PIXEL BALLOONS_v2" You'll find them here: As always, they're 100% free to use with attribution, just like my thousands of other music tracks, sounds and images. OTHER HELPFUL STUFF: Higher-Quality Ogg Music Packs are here: For Custom Music Inquiries: Please stay safe...and keep being creative! :-) -
Damianidas reacted to a post in a topic: [Client] [Development Branch] Minimap Plugin
Damianidas started following Change language
Hi, I would like to change the client language to my native language, which is Polish. It includes letters such as ą,ć,ę,ł,ń,ó,ś,ź,ż etc. How can I do this so that the game clinet displays them correctly?
- Earlier
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.527 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.526 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.525 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.524 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.523 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz) -
Intersect v0.8.0-beta Nightly Builds
intersectbot replied to
intersectbot's topic in Automated Builds
v0.8.0-beta.522 (Release Notes) Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz)